Monday, April 19, 2004

Weekend Recap

Saturday I probably had the most unproductive day at work that I've had in a very long time. I arrived at my first hospital at 8 am only to discover that the Dr. had just called saying he would arrive in 5 minutes so please have all the babies waiting in the nursery. That means that I had to wait for the Dr. to finish so I could take photos. I had 4 people who wanted photos. The Dr. did not in fact arrive in 5 minutes as promised. He arrived in 30 minutes! And it took 30 more minutes before he finished with the babies. I stood around for an hour. I was out of there by 10:30 am (with only one sale)which is my deadline for being at my second hospital. I arrived at the second hospital by 11 am and was met with a note for me to call my director who was 'concerned' as to where I was (I have no idea why she didn't check with the home office to see if I had called in my arrival time at my first hospital), she had already called home and K didn't really know what to tell her as far as when I left because I had spent the night with XXXX who was in town. After calling my director and having a pointless conversation, I went to work. I was quite busy but my sales were painfully bad. Back home.

I arrived home by 5:30 pm. I was tired and cranky because I didn't make nearly enough for the time I put in. I still had some work to do on the costumes for Sunday and I needed a nap (didn't get much sleep the night before for some reason). After a nap I got up and finished Super Girl's costume, my costume and Amy's costume instead of gamed. Super Girl and Cabbage Patch took great pleasure in modeling their costumes for the gaming group. (I'll post pictures soon - need to black out the little people's faces first).

Sunday I got up early and went to work. I was determined to be home by noon come hell or high water. I somehow managed to do just that and I didn't shirk any of my work to do it either. Amy and her brood made it to our place by a little after 1 pm and we were off to Scarby by 1:30 pm. We met up with her friend at the front gate, K took the little people off to find food and me, Amy and her friend set off to find XXXX (because I'm obsessive) I saw him briefly and even got a few moments to talk to him alone before being interrupted by someone who didn't have manners enough to recognize a private conversation. We said good-bye as he was leaving to head back home. I left Amy on a bench feeding her baby and I headed off to find K and the little people. That was the last I saw of Amy for the day. I met up with K, took the little people off his hands and went to find Amy to see if she wanted to go to the butterfly exhibit. I could not find her. I looked most of the afternoon with no luck. I did managed to find K a few times and we swapped kid duty each time. By 5:30 pm I was kid-less, husband-less and best friend-less. Hmmm.. Sounds like a bad country and western song doesn't it? I gave up looking for any of them at 6 pm and headed toward the front to chat with a friend until 7 pm. I did find K and the little people at the front gate shortly after 7 pm (when faire ends) but not Amy. All in all it was a lot of fun. Amy said she had fun yesterday and was at fair until 6 pm or 6:30 pm. So she said.... ;o)

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