It's Monday, that means it's time for the
Monday Mission 2.46 (
Thanks Promoguy)
1. Is there anything you used to be able to do physically that you no longer can? What changed?
Other than not get into the same size clothes because I'm 'BIGGER'... not a whole lot... oh yeah, I used to be able to sit on the floor or on the couch for hours while playing games, but not it hurts my back.. why? because my back was injured when my tiny little car got rearended by a big old van the summer of 99.
2. If you could go to lunch with someone famous, anyone living or dead, who would you choose? What questions would you ask them?
Dead: Jesus and ask about a lot of things I'm not sure about, Salvador Dali and talk about his art work and wild life, Atilla the Hun talk about the hordes and Ramases the Great ask him what it's like to be the Pharo and my mother, ask her questions about the family. Living... the scientists who have been working with the
Iceman or the ones who have been working on the
Mammoth Found in Siberia and ask about thoes discoveries... or Bob Brier the Egyptologist and ask about his most exciting excursion.
3. On that same thought, there are probably several Bloggers you enjoy reading but have never met in real life. Which one Blogger would you most like to meet for dinner? Why did you pick that person? What would you talk about? What do you have in common? What would you do after dinner?
Hehehehe.... I don't read many blogs, so that leaves a very small list. Neil Gaiman because I'm such a fan of his, so I'd probably just be such a bore to him and ask him about his work, gush over him and look stupid. I'm not sure we have anything in common, but we probably do... after dinner Neil would probably try to tactfully escape from the slobbering fan and failing that he would pretend to have to use the restroom but would sneak out instead, leaving me to wait for the next hour then be irritated by him.
4. Money (or the lack thereof) is the number one cause of arguments amongst couples. Do you find this to be true? If there really was a "Money Tree" you could go an pick, would this really solve a couple's problems? Hmmm... I think that statement is kind of misleading question, saying that it is the cause of most arguements... I see most arguements as a reflection of things being wrong in a relationship, such as bad communication. A lot of times it's eaiser to argue about other things such as money or house hold duties rather than deal with the real issues. Money can't fix relationship problems, communication, love, respect and trust can though.
5. Speaking of arguments, have you ever been drawn into any nasty, hateful arguments? The kind where hurtful things were said that had nothing to do with the fight at hand? What was that all about? How did it turn out?
I think we have all done this. I try my hardest to not do something like that. I haven't done anything like that in years and years, so I really can't remember the last time that happened, but I'm sure the results were not good. I'm sure I looked more like an ass than anything else.
6. When was the last time you had to admit you were wrong about something? How did that go?
Actually I end up doing that fairly often. I think it was with my husband, we had disagreed about whether Stan Lee was dead or alive, I was wrong. Went fine, I'd rather admit I'm wrong than look like a stuborn jackass.
7. Now for a slight change of theme....what song should never have been written?
Anything by Britney Spears
BONUS: Are you ready for a new sensation? yeah baby! Bring it on!
Today's Comment Question: What excites you? hehehe.. I don't think I should talk about that on here... the mention of Astroglide in any subject matter makes A cringe. ;o)