Saturday, November 23, 2002

Miscellanous Babbling From The Back Of My Mind...

Today at work something unique and funny happened. I was taking pictures of the last baby for the day... and adorable little girl with the nicest parents (and a HOT daddy). I was finishing up, they were so thrilled with the picture.... then I hear someone say "Now you need to take Judy's picture." I look up, not sure what they were talking about, the mom says "Well we should ask her first if she minds. Can we take your picture for the baby's book? A picture of her first photographer." I said sure. It gave me the giggles the rest of the day though.

Christmas gifts...

This year (much like last year) I am totally broke... well mostly broke, So I'm going to make gifts for people. I bought a little wooden box at Hobby Lobby yesterday and am planning to paint it with a Texas theme for a friend who lives far, far away from Tejas (the poor sucker). I have considered painting a bunch of little wooden boxes for friends and family, but I'm a little nervous that people would think that it was incredibly cheesy. I mean is it presumptious and vain to think that people would want something with my art work on it? It's not like I'm Rembrant or Dali. But my art work doesn't completly suck. I've given pictures to a couple of people and they have them framed and love them very much, but that's probably just because they love me. I can't imagine anyone shelling out cash for something I did though. Anyway... give me opinions... is this a cheesy idea or not?

OK, I have noticed, from my surfing while bored, that more and more homeless are blogging. What the hell? They all seem to have the same sentiment that their blogging is somehow raising public awaremess of the plight of the homeless. Yeah... whatever... I think it doesn't do much good for the homeless as a whole, but it feeds the ego of these homeless with blogs, raising them in their own minds to the status of gurus or leader in their 'community'. It also tends to lend to the idea that many homeless are just lazy bums who don't want to work as most of these homeless bloggers are pretty decent writers who seem to spend a great deal of time at the library writing in their blog and not working to change their status as a homeless person... i.e. looking for a job, etc. Maybe my views of homelessness are narrow and uninformed, but the homeless bloggers are doing nothing that changes my mind on this but has only reinforced this concept in my mind. I work, albiet part time, but I work. I don't have nearly as much time to devote to my blogging as the homeless bloggers seem to. I could sit on my butt all day long at my computer if I wanted to, my husband works and makes enough to support us (my money helps though!)... but why would I want to do that? I'd never accomplish anything, my house would be a disaster and, well, I like to work. Another thing that confuses me is that each of the homeless blogs I have read, the author talks about how they want to not be homeless and maybe someday things will change, yadda, yadda, yadda... yet they seem to be proud of their status. Thats just crazy. Like they are now the Homeless Elite because they have a blog. Maybe I'm to harsh in my judgement... but it does seem that they are just making excuses for not doing anything to NOT be homeless.

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