Thursday, November 21, 2002

MAD COON! (And I'm not talking about any of my coon ass relatives either!)

Here's what happened (for those who care). About 10 pm, we were watching the end of Star Wars I (ahhhh now I remember just how much Jar Jar irritated me...) and I hear this noise outside kind of like a small dog in a fight or something. (made me think of my sisters Chihuahua's hehehe). So I peek out the blinds... I can't see anything but I can hear it, so I look around more and I see something about as big as a large cat laying on the sidewalk in front of my door, it's panting. I notice the banded tail and figure out that it's a raccoon. I think maybe it's been fighting or something and watch for a minute, it keeps panting.. I open the door and step out a bit. A man who lives in the same complex I do, says "I wouldn't get to close hun, it's having some kind of fit." I say oh! and close the door. The poor thing has another fit. I tell hubby that it's a rabid raccoon and he needs to call the police non-emergency number. After a few minutes the man outside knocks on the door and hubby goes out and talks with him. The raccoon is just laying on the ground panting, every so often it will get up and try to walk, then collapse on the ground. :o( this is sooo disturbing to me. Hubby comes back in and tells me that the guy said that he lost his dog to what ever is afflicting the coon about a month ago (a coon had jumped out of the creek area and attacked his dog, then his dog got sick and died.. the vet said it wasn't rabies... what a lie...)... sad. So at 11 pm a police officer shows up. He asks what's going on, hubby tells him we have a rabid raccoon on our door step (he had to walk around it so he couldn't have missed it) then he says, "What's going on inside?" We look at him like he's crazy and say nothing, he says he got a call about an unattended child... we say... um.. no... we called about a rabid raccoon... he looks irritated then walks away... dick. So the officer sends the man back to his apartment and he stays and monitors the racoon (we have a lot of kids in the complex, some of which are stupid enough to mess with a wild animal). At 11:30 there is still a dieing raccoon outside my door.. I'm looking outside and see it staggering around, making like it's going to crawl into my big flower planter! I start saying "No! No! No! Don't you dare die in my flowers!" Hubby is laughing his ass off now. I'm all anxious. I tell him to call and find out WHEN someone will get that dieing coon! He does grudgingly. They say that animal control is almost there. So we wait about 15 minutes and go look outside again.. I see no coon... we look and look... no coon.. I can't see into my flower pot so I'm nervous that he's in there. Hubby opens the door a little... no coon... he looks around... no coon... he steps out... no coon.. then he sees the animal control truck. He goes to talk to them. They say that they have had 3 rabid skunks and another rabid raccoon recently. sheesh... I was glad it was gone. I didn't want to open my door to a dead raccoon! So that's it. Hope this doesnt' bring bad chi on my house! ;o)

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