Toe Jam
Yesterday was such a crazy day. I dropped K off at work because I had to take the little people to an appointment in the afternoon. After dropping K off I drove through McDonald's for breakfast for us to share. When I got home I started splitting the breakfast among us and after I got Super Girl's plate ready I picked Cabbage Patch up off the little chair she was standing on. When I did that I knocked over the chair and it fell right on the toes of my left foot. Oh my goodness... That was the most pain. It took almost two hours before my toes stopped throbbing. By then it was nearly nap time and
I hadn't gotten jack done around the house. My toe was so sensitive it hurt to walk. Anyway, after naps I got
the kids ready and we left to go to the appointment. It took way to long for the appointment. I took the
kids to the potty while we were there and Cabbage Patch accidentally stepped on my toes! I almost cried. We got home about 4 pm and I had to leave by 4:30 to pick up K. His work was doing a 'team building' exercise and they had gone to bowl across town. Ugh. Even though we had lived in that area for 5 years prior to Super Girl being born I could not remember where the place was. I didn't get to him until 6:30 pm! (and that was only after stopping to ask directions and Super Girl having to use the potty, me having to tell shield her from cars as she peed in public because nothing was open that had a rest room...) Only an hour after the event had ended. *sigh* By this time I was cranky. My toe hurt, Cabbage Patch had wet her pants and the kids were being restless. I started getting a sinus headache when we got home also. I took some medicine for the pain (toe and headache) about 9 pm. And intended to go to bed but decided to stay up until I got sleepy from the medication. I stayed up until 11:30 pm.
Today is a much better day. My headache is gone, my toe ache is gone also.
Here are pictures of my toe
You can see the blue of the bruising right along the cuticle - other than that line, it looks normal... Until...
The polish is gone!(which actually hurt quite a bit) Nasty bruise, my toe nail feels like it's on to tight, but not hurting that much anymore.