Monday... time for the
Monday Mission thanks to PromoGuy...
1. Have you ever made a wish that came true?
Yeah... I wished for a kitty and I got my precious Sinnamon... right before a rain storm... lots of lightening and thunder... then the mewing of a cute little kitty... *sigh* I loved that cat...
2. How about any wishes that you are happy never came true?
Yeah, later I wished for another kitty, and I never got it, which was a good thing because Sinnamon hated other cats and would have killed them.. it was a moment of insanity that made me want another kitty.
3. Do you like who you are? Are you the person you hoped you would become?
I like me a lot. If I wasn't me but I knew me, I'd be best friends with me. No I'm not the person I'd hoped to be, I'm much different and a much better person that I could have ever hoped to be... Still plenty of room for improvement, but better than I had ever expected.
4. I recently found some job applications that I never turned in. Back in 1986 I intended to apply at "County Seat" and "Chess King" but got an offer from Penny's (where I worked all through college). It was a good thing, since only one of the three is still around. Have you ever applied for positions, or had any interviews, where you later are glad you never got the job?
Oh yeah.... I once interviewed for a job as an administrative assistant for a director who I thought was pretty cool, didn't get it though... months later this director got fired for inappropriate business activities.... that would have been a mest to clean up.
5. While on the topic of career opportunities, what was your very first "real" job? What job was the most embarrassing?
Working as a file clerk in an insurance office. Most embarrassing.... hmmm... I really haven't had any jobs that were embarrassing...
6. Speaking of news, have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet? Such as being in the newspaper, on television, linked on a high-profile site or otherwise caught in the spotlight of the media?
Unfortunately I have... when my apartment fire happened, that made the news... with me crying in front of my apartments... sheesh... when I had my youngest baby, breech at home, assisted by the paramedics... that fireman/paramedic got a citation from the city and wanted me there for pictures which made the local paper.
7. In the USA, many of us will celebrate Thanksgiving this week. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving (or something like it)? Do you enjoy getting together will your extended family for these types of celebrations?
I love cooking the big meal.
BONUS: Where is the tenderness?
Do you need a hug?