Random Crap Cluttering My Mind...
Did you know...
The small, fuzzy kiwifruit may pack a big punch when it comes to heart health.
Eating kiwifruit every day may help lower triglyceride levels, according to a recent study. Reducing triglyceride levels and other blood fats helps to guard against the buildup of dangerous arterial plaques. The vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenol content of kiwifruit may be the reason for its heart benefits.
RealAge Benefit: Eating a diverse diet that includes 4 servings of fruit per day can make your RealAge as much as 4 years younger. I didn't know that. I read it in an e-mail. SPAM can be educational at times and not just learning what pills and exercises will make a penis larger and rock hard for a long time.
On to other things I've discovered...
When I'm in the mood to waste time and chat, everyone else is busy. Fuck, somebody talk to me!!! IM me! Call me! Contact me telepatically! Something!!!
Okay, I'm done.
Asprin doesn't do shit for me on a sinus headache. My head hurts.
Enlightening Event The other night
K fixed the light on the fan. What was wrong with the fan you may be asking? (probably not, but it might make sense if I tell you) Days earlier I had pulled the chain to turn the light off and the chain came off in my hands. I never called the maintenance man to come fix it as I'm terribly forgetful about things that aren't a constant irritant and since I rarely have the light on during the day, I never rememberd to call. Around 6 or so every day I'd remember and think, "Oh, I should have called about that... too late now, better do it tomorrow". K got tired of waiting on my lame ass to call for repair and decided to do something terribly manly (and thus endanger his status as a GAY male and risk having his GAY CARD taken away), he decided to FIX the light. This brought great fear to me as K is not the most mechanically incline or electrically inclined. He can plunge a toilet as well as the next guy and has managed to fix a wonky disposal a couple of times, and has worked on the computers, but not much else in the MANLY GUY stuff catagory. I was actually afraid he would end up shocking the crap out of himself and I'd hurt myself stiffleing laughter then be filled with unending guilt for days - hey, don't give me that "You're such an insufferable bitch" look, he has blown up the computer before and believe me I suffer plenty. Anyway he managed to get things taken apart without injury, figured he needed a new part, went and got it and put things back together by himself. No shocks. The only little kvetch is that the light bulb fixture part didn't go back in right and it's kind of hanging there inside the glass globe covering it and as the fan turns, it shakes back and forth slightly, and the chain on the light/fan shakes making it tap against the glass rythmicly, just a little... but... enough... to... drive me to drink!!! *sigh*
Anyway, good job of fixing the fan K, I'm truly impressed you managed to do it quickly and without self injury. ;o)
that's all for now, I suppose I need to actually do some work.