Monday, February 28, 2005

Penis Envy

I was just reading a post on a blog where in a woman relayed how she had a discussion with a friend that involved them discussing their mates penis size. I'm not even going to ASK how many women do THAT, because I KNOW WAY TOO MANY who do. I personally don't, never have, and I never would with ANYONE who would actually KNOW my boyfriend/husband/lover/etc. First of all penis size doesn't impress me at all. Talent and knowing how to get me THERE and getting me THERE impresses me, so someone talking about what a big dick their boyfriend has does nothing but make me think what a classless 'ho they are. Secondly WHY would you discuss your mates' privates? Have you no respect for your mate?

Men, how do you feel about your mate discussing your cock? Is it cool with you or does it make you a little uneasy. I'm not talking about BRAGGING about your bedroom antics, I'm taking about her talking about how you measure up and only that - because believe it or not guys often the conversation is JUST about size and not about prowess. Is this a conversation you are comfortable with?

Just wondering.

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