Drinkin' N Singin'
Tonight I went to meet some Rennies. This was my FIRST time to meet them, my FIRST Rennie informal gathering. Ohhhhhhh... It was real spur of the moment, Cam invited me yesterday and I figured it would be cool. It was.
I was late. I had planned to be a little late as I didn't want to be standing around like a dork waiting for people to arrive and not fucking knowing who they were. So anyway, late. I ended up taking 45 minutes to get ready instead of my usual 15 (DAMN YOU Infernal HAIR! At least you looked pretty good). Then I had to get some $$ so I could buy drinks. I stop by Brookshires and figure I'll grab a Coke, pay with my debit card and get an extra $20 with that. Now you may be asking WHY would I do that when there is a perfectly good ATM in the store? Fees! Fees! My bank charges me UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE amounts to use a strange ATM. (fuckers) So I figured if I was going to have to spend money to get money I'd like to get more than just a slip of paper. Cashier rings the $1.40 Coke, I scan my card and then she finishes the transaction without asking if I want CASH BACK! (they ALWAYS ask that!) *sigh* She appologizes then says we can re-do the transaction. We do, I get my Coke and $20 and she says that she needs to call the manager so they can credit the original $1.40 back to my card. After a moment, I realize I'm later than I intended and say "How 'bout I just get another Coke and we'll be done." So now I have two Cokes, but I'm off.
The directions to the bar were easy, but I had to get lost. I always get lost when I go somewhere new. It could be RIGHT NEXT DOOR to my own fucking house and I'd get lost the first time I went. I'm very good at U turns though. So I arrive 45 minutes late instead of 15 as intended. No biggie.
I met Cameleon - he was wearing this obnoxiously yellow shirt with a chaos symbol on it and what I first thought said Vegitarian. After about 20 or 30 minutes of trying to figure out why he'd have Vegitarian on his shirt, it dawned on me that the e was an a. The shirt read Vagitarian. (wait for it, you'll get it in a moment)
I also met Drew who I eventually learned is a plumber and works for the hardware store that is just down the street from me - REALLY JUST DOWN THE STREET! Freaky. A plumber, so yeah, I made a idiotic comment about how I bet he's good at laying pipe. I don't think he expected that, he just looked stunned for a second. Shannon caught it, she laughed quite loudly.
Shannon is this amazing singer. It was karaoke night at the pub. I had my back to her as she started singing Alicia Key's 'In And Out Of Love'. I got chills down my back, I had to turn around to actually SEE that the amazing voice was coming from her. Wow.
Kristen informed me that Shannon won a spot on the next American Idol. She mentioned that she (Kristen) is a hick and she grew up in Garland which prompted me to reveil that I went to Garland High School. She went to S Garland and graduated 9 years after me! I had the sudden urge to shover her chair over backwards, but fought it off as I'm sure she could have kicked my ass... and she's really nice.
Anyway I had fun. It was great. I guess I made a good enough impression (I made sure to keep it to one drink so I wouldn't start acting like a drunken monkey), I got invited to a party on the 18th, had to decline though, GAME NIGHT. I'm looking forward to getting with them again though.