Crazy World I Live InWTF is up with the weather? Yesterday it was all hot and everything and today it’s 56!
56! Say it with me FIFTY SIX! It’s cold. I’m not complaining, I like 56 better than 80, I’m just CONFUSED. I read the weather yesterday and it said possible showers high of 75. It’s not 75. It’s 56! And it isn’t raining.
Whatever… Other stuff… since it’s SPRING the creek area is nearly in FULL bloom! I love that! It’s so pretty! And SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FULL of POISON IVY! A couple of weeks ago Super Girl and I got our FIRST case of poison ivy of the year! Woot! My rash was small and just on my face, poor Super Girl on the other hand got some on her face… and her right fore arm… and on her side… and under her arm and on her other arm and a small spot on her back. Sheesh! And we got all this by just walking on the side walk – no one went crashing through the brush. On that very walk I had stopped Super Girl specifically to point out the beautiful lush field of POISON IVY and cautioned her to STAY AWAY from it, do NOT touch the green stuff near the creek. Now it seems that neither her or I can even WALK down there. Sad really because we won’t be able to watch the web worms this year as they build nests in the trees, we can’t go looking for the cardinals or the blue jays, we can’t chase the butterflies, we can’t go smell the bushes of honeysuckle (it’s mixed in with the poison ivy), we won’t get to watch the persimmon trees or go search for the old well near the creek. Sucks really. Damn that poison ivy! Damn K and Cabbage Patch for not being allergic! Thank goodness for Benedryl and lots of anti-itching cream.
Other stuff…Happy positive thoughts for K now, his most fabulous season tech support job has ended and he’s once again searching for employment. Tech Support is what he’s looking for and what he’s damn good at, so if you know of anything – send me a message.
Also, happy thoughts for my daddy. I can NOT fully express exactly how much I dislike my stepmother who is a stone cold bitch, minion of Satan. She’s giving my father a hard way to go and his life is already hard.
Okay, now I have to get back to my sewing machine! So much to sew!