Saturday, June 07, 2003

A - look we have something in common!
You're Death! All that's known is that you exist!
You could be anywhere, at any time, and strike
at anymoment! Faceless, silent, mysterious, you
are truely a mystery wrapped in an enigmatic

What Crazed Horror Movie Psycho Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the lucky one. You lived on pure wit (or
being a virgin) you are the only one who lived.
Time to celebrate and plan for the sequel!

When will you die in a horror movie?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's a suprise. Me the virgin, as if!

Friday, June 06, 2003

On The Edge...

Damn, I hate this. I'm on the verge of doing some serious venting. I know that no one really gives a damn about that kind of shit so I don't really want to bore the hell out of the 3 people who actually read this crap I write. BUT I'm still here teetering on the edge of this great abiss called bitching. I have a great deal of stress currently and for some reason that is making me want to have an hour long bitch-fest. Well actually I did do that - on my anniversary on the way to the restaraunt (damn what a patient man I am married to), so maybe a 2 hour bitch-fest.
What's In A Name?

A - this is for YOU!!! Don't name that baby until you've been HERE! hehehehehe... I went there, I put my own name in, it made me giggle. ;o)
A - I feel for you. I truly sympathize. I know what it's like to be late in pregnancy and it be summer here in Texas. It sucks. Well it being your 3rd baby and you not paying all that much attention to how you eat and how much exercise you get - you are definitly not alone in this. Heck that's how I was my FIRST pregnancy! (remember all the trips to Taco Bell with me? or the fact that I had a malt just about every day of my last trimester?) Besides, bran muffins suck. Go have a Coke - it will make you feel better. ;o)

Thursday, June 05, 2003

A - I'm glad you have a name in mind for the baby. ;o) Emma Lisanne is a pretty name. I especially like Lisanne, Emma is a nice name, she'll probably have several playmates named Emma in her class as Emma is a VERY popular name. (Came in #4 in 2002 according to the Social Security office ... you can even check to see what were the top names the year we were born - your's is in the top 10.)

Some interesting baby name finder sites that made me laugh.

or Naming your baby using your natural intuition (scam)

Yet another baby naming site

Anyway, I know how hard it is to come up with a name for your baby, especially one you hope everyone will like... AND not get into a serious arguement with your spouse. Hope this little one is eaiser on you in that area! ;o) Whatever you name that little girl will be a perfect name for her.
Lebanese Food And Willow

We had a lovely and delicious dinner at Ali Baba. mmmmmmmmm... it was wonderful. Cabbage Patch loves humus. I had the chicken curry (I always do); Super Girl split the gyro plate with her sister. Super Girl had to be BRIBED to try things... damn she's picky. Cabbage Patch ate the humus with the bread and the eggplant dip. She tried some of the meat but mostly wanted the rice that came with our dinners. We completed dinner with baklava. I opted for a pistachio pastry that was very interesting. Blew all my carbs for the day, but damn it was worth it.

On returning home, I saw that L had posted a link about willow - a lovely china, not a funky plant or a lesbian witch off Buffy. II LOVE that pattern, so I searched online for the best price and after an extensive search at a china replacement site, I bought one plate for $6! My anniversary present to me. :o) I guess I could say it was from hubby, he liked it also.

There is a legend that goes along with the willow china (scroll down on the page listed above) although it's not considered to be from China where the original design came from, but from England where the design gained popularity and was copied (and still is today). There are also several poems both long and short that have been composed for this particular willow pattern. (Check out the poem links at the top of the page listed above). I doubt any of the listed poems originated with the original design (a couple of things were added to the design when the English started producing their version. Still very interesting.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Number 9... Number 9... Number 9

Anyone remember that stupid song? hehehehe... well today is my 9th wedding anniversary. I had all but forgotten it until a few days ago. Hubby forgot until yesterday. The 9th anniversary is the pottery or willow anniversary... what the hell? I liked a different page that lists the 9th anniversary as the leather anniversary. Yeah! I like the sound of that one!

Anyway, tonight we are going to go have Lebanese food (G-d I love Lebanese food! Humus... mmmmmm). I guess this anniversary thing should register more than a faint blip on the radar, but it really doesn't. It's really just another day. I think after being married so long it just doesn't mater all that much. I don't need a special day to be thankful that we married. We might not have a typical marriage, but we are happy. ;o)

ps - D - 7 years is the wool anniversary. Good luck finding something for that!
L - That sucks about the cut. Yes you probably should have gotten a Band-Aid for that. Chances are it won't heal shut nice and flat and you will have a scar there as a constant reminder to buy Band-Aids. ;o)

Me, well I have hundreds of Band-Aids, I have two kids, I have to have Band-Aids (of all sizes) at all times - I even have liquid Band-Aids (I've had this particular bottle for 4 years - burns like a mother when you put it on). That and tubes of Neosporin and other types of antibiotic ointment. That being said, my own cuts generally don't get the attention that my little one's cuts do, and certainly not adequate attention. I'm lucky in that I heal very quickly, but unlucky in that I scar VERY easily. Eh, it's a trade off I suppose. Good luck with your boo-boo.
A NEW Level of Cool...

On the way to the movie theater Super Girl was a running commentary on everything she came across. At one point she said "That car is Godzilla Cool!" hehehehehe... I like that, Godzilla Cool!
What Was I Thinking?!?!?!?!

Yesterday I tried to take the little people to see Finding Nemo but all the tickets were sold out by the time we got there. *sigh* Super Girl takes after her father a lot - she's hard to get going. Anyway, I planned to take the little people to the first showing this morning at 11:10 am but I had 2 visits this morning and the second one ran longer than I had anticipated so we couldn't make that showing. The next showing was right at nap time, and although I DID consider taking them to the noon showing, that was a short lived consideration as they were BOTH acting mildly possessed so I opted for them to take naps instead. Super Girl got up from her nap with just enough time for us to make the 2:35 PM showing and we made it out of the house and to the theater with 10 minutes to spare... unfortunately there was a line already and all of the tickets for the 2:35 PM and the 4:00 PM showing were sold out. Yesterday when I told Super Girl that the tickets were sold out, she cried all the way home; I really didn't feel like dealing with that AGAIN today. I quickly scanned the marquee to see what else we could see that would be ok for a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. Daddy Daycare was the winner. We go in and start watching about 10 minutes in Super Girl informs me that she is thirsty. So out we all go to get drinks - I get the girls small drinks and popcorn, this appeases the natives for a short while. 20 minutes later Super Girl has to go to the bathroom. Out we all go to the bathroom. 20 more minutes and the kids are starting to be whiney. We've run out of popcorn, have no candy and the drinks are empty. I'm out of luck. Cabbage Patch starts screeching on and off and Super Girl says she has to go to the bathroom again. So... out we go again, this time I decide we won't go back in. Even though it's a matinee showing that only cost $2 a person, I think the other patrons have suffered enough at the little people’s hands. Super Girl does NOT have to go to the bathroom after all and gets VERY upset when I tell her that we are going HOME and not BACK to the movie. She whines about wanting to see Daddy Daycare, but too late it's time to go home.

NEVER AGAIN will I take my two children to see a movie by myself. That was insane.

My review of Daddy Daycare - cute movie.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

L- answer to your question "why am I using all these political metaphors?" - You are talking about work... how else would you decribe it? ;o)

Weekend Trip To The Ren Faire

This weekend I worked 10 hours on Saturday so I would not have to come in on Sunday and instead go with my family to the renniassance faire. (I'll vent about working 10 hours in a bit) We got there around noon (yeah bad planning on our part - it was freaking HOT). Then we searched for D, it took about an hour to find her. She was in parade at the time, so we hooked up after. Cabbage Patch was getting whiney she had gotten sunscreen in her eye and was hot. Luckily hubby we had packed water bottles and snacks for the little people, so she was a bit relieved by the water, but still not happy. After D was done with parade we hooked up with her and walked around. We ran into some old friends that we hadn't seen in about 6 and a half years - very odd. One was a man I never thought would do well in life, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was doing pretty well. Super Girl wanted to become a lady so at 4 when they do the little ceremony we stood inline, I got pictures. hehehe... so cute! While I was standing to the side taking pictures someone had a beautiful rose delivered to me, from "One who admires you from afar for your sheer animal magnitism." hehehehe... damn that does something for a girl! I was thrilled and had no clue as to who would have sent the lovely rose. (I did find out later and was even more thrilled)

Anyway, we all were exhaused by the time we left, the little people were a little more brown (actually Cabbage Patch has really brown legs - except in the creases of her chubby little baby legs! Soooo cute!) and I was ready to sleep.
Godzilla Is Spectacular!

Yesterday the Father's Day present I ordered for hubby arrived. That meant that MY present arrived also - Godzilla 2000! I love that movie. We put it in the DVD after Cabbage Patch went to bed. Super Girl was so darn funny. At first she was a little scared, but her daddy and I assured her that Godzilla isn't scary, he's just a guy in a rubber suit. At one point when Godzilla was stomping around she said "Mommy can I close my eyes?" hehehehe She started to get into the movie and was cheering for Godzilla. While Godzilla was fighting Alien-zilla she said "Mommy cover my eyes!" once. It made us laugh. At the end of the movie she stood up and proclaimed "Godzilla is spectacular!" I think so also. There were no night mares or anything last night either, she loved Zilla (as she usually refers to him). It brought a tear to my eye as I remember being her age and loving Godzilla - he was my hero!

NOTE: The other monster in this movie is Orga not Alien-zilla. Thanks Jake for that one. ;o)

Monday, June 02, 2003

My Daughter Is Getting Married...

She just informed me of this. At the tender age of 4 and a half she is taking a husband. I'm a little concerned about the age difference as her prospective husband is in his 20's or so. I guess I should be more concerned about the fact that my youngest daughter is definitly attracted to her big sisters man. Well to be honest he probably has thousands and thousands of young female admirers, so her married life may be difficult at first. Yes, yes he's a celebrity, so there is the worry of my oldest child getting mixed up in the Hollywood scene - although he does seem like a very down to earth person, he even has a very nice dog - everybody loves his dog. My daughter is going to marry Joe from Blues Clues. hehehehe... she's so cute... and she's got good taste in men - Joe's a cutie! Off for now, must start planning a wedding. ;o) (making lunch that is)