Monday, June 02, 2003

My Daughter Is Getting Married...

She just informed me of this. At the tender age of 4 and a half she is taking a husband. I'm a little concerned about the age difference as her prospective husband is in his 20's or so. I guess I should be more concerned about the fact that my youngest daughter is definitly attracted to her big sisters man. Well to be honest he probably has thousands and thousands of young female admirers, so her married life may be difficult at first. Yes, yes he's a celebrity, so there is the worry of my oldest child getting mixed up in the Hollywood scene - although he does seem like a very down to earth person, he even has a very nice dog - everybody loves his dog. My daughter is going to marry Joe from Blues Clues. hehehehe... she's so cute... and she's got good taste in men - Joe's a cutie! Off for now, must start planning a wedding. ;o) (making lunch that is)

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