Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Weekend Trip To The Ren Faire

This weekend I worked 10 hours on Saturday so I would not have to come in on Sunday and instead go with my family to the renniassance faire. (I'll vent about working 10 hours in a bit) We got there around noon (yeah bad planning on our part - it was freaking HOT). Then we searched for D, it took about an hour to find her. She was in parade at the time, so we hooked up after. Cabbage Patch was getting whiney she had gotten sunscreen in her eye and was hot. Luckily hubby we had packed water bottles and snacks for the little people, so she was a bit relieved by the water, but still not happy. After D was done with parade we hooked up with her and walked around. We ran into some old friends that we hadn't seen in about 6 and a half years - very odd. One was a man I never thought would do well in life, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was doing pretty well. Super Girl wanted to become a lady so at 4 when they do the little ceremony we stood inline, I got pictures. hehehe... so cute! While I was standing to the side taking pictures someone had a beautiful rose delivered to me, from "One who admires you from afar for your sheer animal magnitism." hehehehe... damn that does something for a girl! I was thrilled and had no clue as to who would have sent the lovely rose. (I did find out later and was even more thrilled)

Anyway, we all were exhaused by the time we left, the little people were a little more brown (actually Cabbage Patch has really brown legs - except in the creases of her chubby little baby legs! Soooo cute!) and I was ready to sleep.

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