Thursday, June 05, 2003

Lebanese Food And Willow

We had a lovely and delicious dinner at Ali Baba. mmmmmmmmm... it was wonderful. Cabbage Patch loves humus. I had the chicken curry (I always do); Super Girl split the gyro plate with her sister. Super Girl had to be BRIBED to try things... damn she's picky. Cabbage Patch ate the humus with the bread and the eggplant dip. She tried some of the meat but mostly wanted the rice that came with our dinners. We completed dinner with baklava. I opted for a pistachio pastry that was very interesting. Blew all my carbs for the day, but damn it was worth it.

On returning home, I saw that L had posted a link about willow - a lovely china, not a funky plant or a lesbian witch off Buffy. II LOVE that pattern, so I searched online for the best price and after an extensive search at a china replacement site, I bought one plate for $6! My anniversary present to me. :o) I guess I could say it was from hubby, he liked it also.

There is a legend that goes along with the willow china (scroll down on the page listed above) although it's not considered to be from China where the original design came from, but from England where the design gained popularity and was copied (and still is today). There are also several poems both long and short that have been composed for this particular willow pattern. (Check out the poem links at the top of the page listed above). I doubt any of the listed poems originated with the original design (a couple of things were added to the design when the English started producing their version. Still very interesting.

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