Saturday, February 03, 2007

Flashbacks At Starbucks While Waiting To Steal A Car

D and I went to Starbucks yesterday morning to celebrate Groundhog Day. Just kidding, I don’t give a crap about those oversized rats, we just went for coffee. What I didn’t realize was that it was RETRO day at that Starbucks. The decade was the 1980’s. There was the chick with the shitty geometric hair cut and equally crappy tattoos, then Mr. Poodle hair making me remember all those guys back in the 80’s with bad perms. Before I could even stop snicker at that in walks Neil Diamond (black leather jacket and bald spot included) followed by none other than Gary Coleman accompanied by Sally Struthers – it’s heart warming to see that she’s still very involved in feeding the children… as well as herself. Then in walks Mary Lou Retton. I’m going to have to get a job at that Starbucks so I can relive the 80’s at least once a week.

Then we left, we walked out to D’s car parked right out front. Upon opening the door to her car I was shocked by an apparently empty McDonald’s bag and half a dozen Riccola cough drops occupying my seat. I thought “We didn’t go to McDonald’s… Riccola? She didn’t have those in the car…” about that time D says “This isn’t my car!” We both start laughing as we close the door and go AROUND the corner to D’s car, all the while musing over why anyone would leave a Mercedes Benz unlocked outside a Starbucks.

Later this conversation took place:

Her: I’ve decided I’m just taking two sets of bra and panties and that’s it.
Me: hmmm… Well I’m glad to hear you are going to make this a working vacation.

Okay, I’m off to wake up everyone and get on to the airport! Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Excitement From The Heavens

This morning the Little People were blown away by what they saw outside. SNOW! You would have thought that the jolly fat guy who handles that tree holiday had made a second visit to them and left them the keys to the warehouse for Toys R Us. I’m not a huge fan of this SNOW stuff as it’s usually just a big pain in the butt what with it being COLD and WET and how it’s accompanied with nasty ICE that makes driving hazardous and WORST of all how it usually causes the SCHOOLS TO CLOSE! Today’s SNOW is an exception, I doubt it’ll last all day and though there are some slick spots on the road, it appears that it’s not all that bad out there and best of all – the SCHOOLS ARE OPEN! YAY!!!!

Ahhhh now if only I had some hot chocolate, Amaretto and a certain sexy man to snuggle with – this day would be PERFECT.

Enjoy some photos I took this morning (in my bathrobe and slippers no less!).

See all that excitement???

This is why I moved where I live - I love this view... if only I had known that in the spring and summer it's COVERED in poison ivy of which Super Girl and I are terribly allergic... well that view wouldn't have been so tempting!

Because I just HAD to show yet another photo of La Seg's offspring! This is how she USUALLY looks! Such a good baby.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Baby Photo!!!

She's so beautiful!!! (yes I did take that photo)


By popular demand...


Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Shana had her darling daughter yesterday evening at 8 pm via c-section. Her little angel was 7 lbs 5 oz and 21 in. long.

Yesterday was a REALLY hard day for her that started with her arriving at 6 am to the hospital, included her getting 3 epidurals – yes 3 freaking times – before she got any relief and her not dilating for the most part.

As expected, she’s super tired today and really sore.

No I don’t have any photos of the baby – so sorry. Planning to visit tomorrow when she’s feeling more up to visitors and THEN I promise I’ll take a million photos.