Dry Erase Markers + Toddler + PreSchooler = Total Fucking Disaster
Hello, welcome to my world... Please have a seat, would you like a drink? Coke? Milk? Please don't mind me while I have something stronger... Would you like some Tequila also? No no don't worry about getting a glass, you can drink right from the bottle like me, the alcohol from the Tequila will kill any germs, and if not, drink enough and you won't give a shit.
So today is going pretty well, hubby let me sleep in, somehow convinced Super Girl to not wake me either, so I slept past 8 am! WOW! Got the kids dressed with minimal fussing and cleaned up the house in 45 minutes (plenty of threats to children to get them to help though) and shoved hubby out the door to go sign on with different temp agencies - damn he's got to get a job before I kill him. - I even got laundry started. So - I fed the little people lunch, my sister called, so we were chatting - it was 30 minutes until Cabbage Patch's nap time. The little people go upstairs to play in their room. about 10 minutes after they go up, I head up to check on them - they were indeed playing in their room, all was well. 10 minutes later I head back up to check on them. Both kids are in the bathroom, Cabbage Patch had a black dry erase marker from hubby's bedroom. She had marked on the sink, on the wall, on the linen closet door, on the wall in daddy's bedroom, on the carpet in daddy's bedroom, on the desk in daddy's bedroom, on the chair in daddy's bedroom, on her face, on her hands, on her legs and some marks on her pretty little white dress. Her sister, Super girl had some red marks on her face from the red dry erase marker. I took the little people down stairs to clean them up. Luckily the marker comes off baby skin easily with a baby wipe. I put Cabbage Patch down for her nap. I had a conversation with Super Girl about the marking incident, this is how it went.
ME: Did you see your sister marking on the wall?
Her: Yes.
ME: Why didn't you stop her or come get mommy?
Her: I duno.
ME: Super Girl, you are the big sister, you can't just let her do things like this. You have to stop her or get me.
Her: But I didn't do it!!!
ME: You had to do some, you have red marker all over your face.
Her: (surprised look on her face that I could figure our her involvement in the vandalization of daddy's room)
ME: You are no longer allowed to play upstairs without mommy or daddy.
Her: (resigned sigh)....(a moment later) Her look so funny, silly baby!
ME: Super Girl, it's not funny. Mommy has to clean it all up now. Go sit on the sofa.
I head upstairs to scrub the walls and the doors. Dry Erase markers are EVIL. They are even harder to clean than crayon! I scrubbed and scrubbed. I got off some of the marks. Will let hubby scrub later. He's going to be pissed. Who can blame him.
Sigh... now I need a drink. A big one.
Dry Erase Markers..........................................$6.00
Cleaning fluid................................................$2.89
Elbow Grease to Scrub with.............................$0.00
A Few Good Stiff Drinks For Mom At nap time...... Priceless