Tuesday, April 15, 2003

The Rewards Of Motherhood

My children have gifted me with something. In appreciation for all I do for them, the waffles for breakfast, the peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, the glasses of chocolate milk, the desert after dinner (even when they refuse to eat the dinner), the numerous toys that encroch on my living space, the closet bulging with cute clothing for them, the tears I dry, the diapers I change, the noses I wipe... and there in lies the issue.... the noses I wipe... My darling children have infected me with one of their infectious diseases. *sigh* I woke this morning... scratch that... I was awoken by them... and I discovered that I have a sore throat, a stuffy nose and generally feel not well. Great... the little people gave me a cold. Did I not JUST get over Anthrax (strep)??? Have I not suffered enough???? Will it EVER end???? Nevermind I know the answer to that. Enough for now, Must go suffer through another episode of Dora The Explorer while I lay on the couch and beg the little people to not distroy the house, kill each other, write on the walls, torture the cats or start a global war. *sigh*

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