Viking Kittens Go... look... you must... watch it all the way through.. it's to funny... and weird... having a little orange kitty it makes me laugh... "Valhala I am coming..."
Friday, October 11, 2002
Ahhh... since most of my VAST audience are children of the 80's (2 our of 3!!) I think this will make you laugh... might terrify you! LOL Are You A Child of The 80's?
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Lover Come Back... sheesh.. that was so funny. It's even funnier now... in this day and age... and since EVERYONE knows that Rock Hudson was gay. We were laughing so hard. Doris Day was so funny. If you haven't seen it, go rent it, it's a good laugh.
OK, I've notice something... no one ever leaves comments... Am I not worth commenting? Are my thoughts not thought provoking? Hmmm? eh, just kidding.. Since I know there are only 3 people who read this, and two of you have blogs of your own where you leave lenghty, thought provoking responses to my maniacal rantings... for that I thank you both. ;o) Speaking of posts in response to my rantings... where the heck are you two? I had to run out to visit someone today and neither of you posted a thing... Do you not realize I rely on your thought provoking banter to give me intelectual stimulation? hmmm... your going to force me to head down to my local library (which last year they expanded to a huge complex) to actually seek out knowledge and inspiration from the vast aray of books and publications... actually... I was considering doing just that next week since I now have my own transportation...
Well anyway... I obviously have nothing to talk about.. just rambling to take up space. HAHAHAHA!
OK, I've notice something... no one ever leaves comments... Am I not worth commenting? Are my thoughts not thought provoking? Hmmm? eh, just kidding.. Since I know there are only 3 people who read this, and two of you have blogs of your own where you leave lenghty, thought provoking responses to my maniacal rantings... for that I thank you both. ;o) Speaking of posts in response to my rantings... where the heck are you two? I had to run out to visit someone today and neither of you posted a thing... Do you not realize I rely on your thought provoking banter to give me intelectual stimulation? hmmm... your going to force me to head down to my local library (which last year they expanded to a huge complex) to actually seek out knowledge and inspiration from the vast aray of books and publications... actually... I was considering doing just that next week since I now have my own transportation...
Well anyway... I obviously have nothing to talk about.. just rambling to take up space. HAHAHAHA!
L - big laughs on the dentist story! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I think I would continue to go to a dentist if I thought he/she had a crush on me... if nothing else, I'd be sure to they were giving me enough attention... and I might even weasle out a free cleaning or flouride treatment! *snicker*
Now, I would never go to the dental college.. not because I think they would do a bad job or anything, it's a much stupider reason. I like to KNOW who I'm going to see.. As in I need to have a good relationship with my dentist... doctor for that matter. I don't like that uncertainty of not knowing who's going to be stareing into my mouth (or what-not where the doctor is concerned...). And at a dental college I can't establish a good dental relationship with anyone. Like now, I always get my teeth cleaned by Patti. I like her, she know's about me, and she ask questions (she makes notes so she can ask the right questions 6 months later). I've gotten my teeth cleaned by one other hygenist there, and I didn't like her a bit, so if I had to go to her every time, I'd ask for someone new or leave. And my Dr., he's great! And funny. When they were doing the extractions for making room for my braces, he and his assistant were doing lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (only the MOST quoted movie). Gotta love that. After the extractions.. I had NO pain what-so-ever... so I love this man and his office full of hygenic, glove wearing, plastic covered, cleaning angels (except for that bitchy blond). OH YEAH! And I always get a goodie bag when I leave! (ok, ok, I know your laughing at me.. go right ahead...) This time I got a small bottle of mouth wash (Listerine.. love that stuff), a tooth brush (PINK!!!), some floss and a finger puppet for my kids. And YES I was excited to get these things! Yes I do get excited about tooth brushes, mouth wash and floss. The BEST present my husband has gotten me to date was an electric tooth brush! - Saddly I burned out the motor when I got my braces (kept forgetting about the wax on my brackets).... but I'm always hopeing that I'll have another one waiting for me at the next gift giving occasion. Hell he could even just buy me 12 tooth brushes in different colors and I'd be thrilled. Yeah I know.. I've got an obsession.. that's ok.. it's a good one.. I haven't had to have a filling since I was in high school and the hygenist always tells me that my teeth look great, I'm doing a fabulous job cleaning them. So...... I need to have a good dental relationship.. it's mandatory...
Hmmm.. I should go... I just realized that I sound a bit like a whack ball. hehehe... think I'll go brush my teeth. HAHAHAHA!
Now, I would never go to the dental college.. not because I think they would do a bad job or anything, it's a much stupider reason. I like to KNOW who I'm going to see.. As in I need to have a good relationship with my dentist... doctor for that matter. I don't like that uncertainty of not knowing who's going to be stareing into my mouth (or what-not where the doctor is concerned...). And at a dental college I can't establish a good dental relationship with anyone. Like now, I always get my teeth cleaned by Patti. I like her, she know's about me, and she ask questions (she makes notes so she can ask the right questions 6 months later). I've gotten my teeth cleaned by one other hygenist there, and I didn't like her a bit, so if I had to go to her every time, I'd ask for someone new or leave. And my Dr., he's great! And funny. When they were doing the extractions for making room for my braces, he and his assistant were doing lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (only the MOST quoted movie). Gotta love that. After the extractions.. I had NO pain what-so-ever... so I love this man and his office full of hygenic, glove wearing, plastic covered, cleaning angels (except for that bitchy blond). OH YEAH! And I always get a goodie bag when I leave! (ok, ok, I know your laughing at me.. go right ahead...) This time I got a small bottle of mouth wash (Listerine.. love that stuff), a tooth brush (PINK!!!), some floss and a finger puppet for my kids. And YES I was excited to get these things! Yes I do get excited about tooth brushes, mouth wash and floss. The BEST present my husband has gotten me to date was an electric tooth brush! - Saddly I burned out the motor when I got my braces (kept forgetting about the wax on my brackets).... but I'm always hopeing that I'll have another one waiting for me at the next gift giving occasion. Hell he could even just buy me 12 tooth brushes in different colors and I'd be thrilled. Yeah I know.. I've got an obsession.. that's ok.. it's a good one.. I haven't had to have a filling since I was in high school and the hygenist always tells me that my teeth look great, I'm doing a fabulous job cleaning them. So...... I need to have a good dental relationship.. it's mandatory...
Hmmm.. I should go... I just realized that I sound a bit like a whack ball. hehehe... think I'll go brush my teeth. HAHAHAHA!
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
A & L .. hehehe.. you two crack me up! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thoes sentiments on thoes disney characters... *pauses for a moment to consider how lovely duck a la orange would be*... giant mice should frighten if not annoy just about everyone...
So I went and worked out again tonight.. it's been just over a week since I did... I felt like a slug... but now I'm a worked out slug *please keep the salt away from me*.
I had my teeth cleaned today. I have to confess... I love going to the dentist. Always have. I love having my teeth cleaned. Although the hygenist got on to be about how I need to call my orthodontist... *sigh* I dread doing that... but I did.. have to wait for a call back... now I'll be a big chicken and probably avoid the call. I was all ready to talk about the fact that I haven't been there in over a year and how I'm totally broke, etc. etc...
Last night we went and rented a bunch of old movies. We watched The Maltese Falcon and Auntie Mame last night. I love those movies! Humphrey Bogart was so damn sexy, and that movie is just great. Auntie Mame is a riot no matter how many times I watch it. Tonight it's The King and I and tomorrow will be Lover Come Back - Rock Hudson and Doris Day - damn... I love thoes cheesy Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies. So entertaining...
Well.. I need to get going for now...
So I went and worked out again tonight.. it's been just over a week since I did... I felt like a slug... but now I'm a worked out slug *please keep the salt away from me*.
I had my teeth cleaned today. I have to confess... I love going to the dentist. Always have. I love having my teeth cleaned. Although the hygenist got on to be about how I need to call my orthodontist... *sigh* I dread doing that... but I did.. have to wait for a call back... now I'll be a big chicken and probably avoid the call. I was all ready to talk about the fact that I haven't been there in over a year and how I'm totally broke, etc. etc...
Last night we went and rented a bunch of old movies. We watched The Maltese Falcon and Auntie Mame last night. I love those movies! Humphrey Bogart was so damn sexy, and that movie is just great. Auntie Mame is a riot no matter how many times I watch it. Tonight it's The King and I and tomorrow will be Lover Come Back - Rock Hudson and Doris Day - damn... I love thoes cheesy Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies. So entertaining...
Well.. I need to get going for now...
1. Heroines: Ariel (Little Mermaid) or Belle (Beauty & the Beast)?
OK... tough one... I love both stories... I love Ariel.... that's my favorite story from childhood... and she's a cute redhead... but I love Belle also... my second favorite from child hood... Although... people are dissing Ariel as being a bimbo and not likeing that she gave it all up for a man she never met... well :oP to you! I love a good love story/fairy tale.
2. More heroines: Mulan or Pocahontas?
Mulan rocks. (especially if we are talking the Disney movie... IRL Mulan was just a folk tale... but a good one... Pocahontas was an incredible woman who helped shape this nation)
3. Princesses: Snow White or Cinderella?
Cinderella... I liked the talking mice.
4. Toy Story: Buzz or Woody?
hmmm.... depends on if it's TSI or TSII.... TSI - Woody... TSI Buzz
5. Animals: Simba (Lion King) or Bambi?
Simba! I love lions.. and Lion King is such a great movie... Although I do like Bambi... especially if he's served rare with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy!
6. Naughty boys: Peter Pan or Pinocchio?
Hmmm... I guess Peter Pan... although he was a bit of a jerk. Pinocchio would have been cool.. because he was a puppet.. you could have made some money off him! (hey... didn't someone try that?...)
7. Sidekicks: Sebastian the Crab (Little Mermaid) or Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)?
Although I love crickets (lucky bugs) I find Jiminy rather irritating and a definate reason to call Terminex... Sebastian has that cool accent.
8. Villians: Wicked Queen (Snow White) or Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmations)?
Oh Cruella DeVil hands down! She had style! (gosh I loved that coat!)
9. Classics: Goofy or Pluto?
Goofy is an idiot... Pluto... I always wanted a dog like Pluto
10. And of course: Mickey or Donald?
Hmmm.... neither... I think someone should set a large trap for Mickey and Donald should be plucked and stuffed for Thanksgiving dinner. hehehehe... yeah I know.. I'm bad... probably has something to do with a certain toddler watching a certain (now missing) Mickey Mouse Christmas tape over and over....
Ok, your turn! Can't wait for your answers.
OK... tough one... I love both stories... I love Ariel.... that's my favorite story from childhood... and she's a cute redhead... but I love Belle also... my second favorite from child hood... Although... people are dissing Ariel as being a bimbo and not likeing that she gave it all up for a man she never met... well :oP to you! I love a good love story/fairy tale.
2. More heroines: Mulan or Pocahontas?
Mulan rocks. (especially if we are talking the Disney movie... IRL Mulan was just a folk tale... but a good one... Pocahontas was an incredible woman who helped shape this nation)
3. Princesses: Snow White or Cinderella?
Cinderella... I liked the talking mice.
4. Toy Story: Buzz or Woody?
hmmm.... depends on if it's TSI or TSII.... TSI - Woody... TSI Buzz
5. Animals: Simba (Lion King) or Bambi?
Simba! I love lions.. and Lion King is such a great movie... Although I do like Bambi... especially if he's served rare with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy!
6. Naughty boys: Peter Pan or Pinocchio?
Hmmm... I guess Peter Pan... although he was a bit of a jerk. Pinocchio would have been cool.. because he was a puppet.. you could have made some money off him! (hey... didn't someone try that?...)
7. Sidekicks: Sebastian the Crab (Little Mermaid) or Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)?
Although I love crickets (lucky bugs) I find Jiminy rather irritating and a definate reason to call Terminex... Sebastian has that cool accent.
8. Villians: Wicked Queen (Snow White) or Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmations)?
Oh Cruella DeVil hands down! She had style! (gosh I loved that coat!)
9. Classics: Goofy or Pluto?
Goofy is an idiot... Pluto... I always wanted a dog like Pluto
10. And of course: Mickey or Donald?
Hmmm.... neither... I think someone should set a large trap for Mickey and Donald should be plucked and stuffed for Thanksgiving dinner. hehehehe... yeah I know.. I'm bad... probably has something to do with a certain toddler watching a certain (now missing) Mickey Mouse Christmas tape over and over....
Ok, your turn! Can't wait for your answers.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
This is my Dewey Color system personality profile:
You're a Forecaster
You break everything down to its simplest form. Then you critique past events in order to see the future. Others are amazed at your predictions.
The passionate you demands a stimulating environment and the time to enjoy it. With a probing curiosity, you uncover what you want and how to get it. Ideas come together to create fun possibilities.
The centered you perceives exactly which situations and relationships are inspirational. When all is quiet within, you decide what new things you are going to explore.
The emotional you remains open to the world. When you feel good, your naive approach to life can charm even the most jaded. You are concerned, considerate, and hard-working. Pleasing others motivates you.
hehehe... funny... go here Dewey Color Analysis and amuse yourself for 3 mins by taking this - post your results (to amuse me...)
Yes A part of having a blog is so you CAN whine when you want to... I feel a very good whine coming on... I'll be back when I'm sure it's of a rich full bouquet... something nice to go with dinner ;o)
You're a Forecaster
You break everything down to its simplest form. Then you critique past events in order to see the future. Others are amazed at your predictions.
The passionate you demands a stimulating environment and the time to enjoy it. With a probing curiosity, you uncover what you want and how to get it. Ideas come together to create fun possibilities.
The centered you perceives exactly which situations and relationships are inspirational. When all is quiet within, you decide what new things you are going to explore.
The emotional you remains open to the world. When you feel good, your naive approach to life can charm even the most jaded. You are concerned, considerate, and hard-working. Pleasing others motivates you.
hehehe... funny... go here Dewey Color Analysis and amuse yourself for 3 mins by taking this - post your results (to amuse me...)
Yes A part of having a blog is so you CAN whine when you want to... I feel a very good whine coming on... I'll be back when I'm sure it's of a rich full bouquet... something nice to go with dinner ;o)
Monday, October 07, 2002
Time for...*drum roll please*.. the Monday Mission 2.40
1. I just got back from a family reunion. It was ok, but I find those gatherings a little boring. Does your family ever have any reunions or annual get-togethers? Do you enjoy them? Um... reunion.... hmmm... last one was like.... 17 or 18 years ago.. we get together the obligatory once or twice a year for holidays. Sometimes I enjoy them... depends on if anyone is fighting or if anyone is trying to make the who 'experience' into something it isn't. It's best if they just let things happen.
2. A gal I work with told me that when her husband's drivers licsence comes up for renewal, she swipes it. She says he won't ever pose for pictures and that's the only way she can get a photo of him. Is that not creepy? Are you a picture person? Do you like taking photos, and having yours taken? I'm like a canned ham. I love pictures and I love having my picture taken.... well since I lost 40 lbs. I do now.
3. Time for show and tell: post a recent photo of yourself! since you insist! This was me yesterday!
4. I have a cousin I always knew as Jay. As he got into college, he began to go by Greg. Turns out is name was Greg, Junior. Jay was short for Junior! Can't blame him for changing it. Did you ever have a nick-name growing up? How did it come about? Did you ever give anyone a nickname that stuck? Yup, mom called me Pudy... she rhymed it with Judy... Judy Pudy... It's been shortened to Pooh now. I like that MUCH better. Hmmm.. yup.. I'm bad about giving people nick names. Started calling a friend Petey a long time ago.. and that stuck. LOL
5. Since I don't have cable, a friend promised to send me a few episodes of "Trading Spaces," the show where folks redecorate someone else's home (and I'm still waaaaiiiting on that tape). But that got me to thinking about how I'd change my own house if I were able. And the room I'd do first would be the bathroom. If you could design the bathroom of your dreams, what would it be like? Spare no expense! hmmm.. huge garden tub, but a BIG shower also... a lot like what I had at my house.. just bigger tub and a bigger shower...
6. I've been trying to catch up on the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in re-runs, though I've been told to buy the DVDs. But I think I'd rather borrow them if I could. But there are a few television shows I'd like to own on DVD (like "The Flash" and "Max Headroom"). What shows (if any) do you own in a video collection? What TV shows would you like to see collected on DVD or video? Hubby has some of the Star Trek stuff. We'd both love 'Far Scape' (which is being cancled! whaaaa!!!!)
7. I recently watched "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang" again, first time since I was little. It held up pretty well, unlike some movies that are better in your memory than they are when you see them again (like "E.T." good movie, but for me, better as a memory). Do you have any favorite movies from your childhood? Do you think you would still enjoy them if you watched them today? Wizard of Oz - I watch it about once a year. I do love that so much. But I realize there are many movies that are better left as fond memories, so I don't seek out to many 'great movies from childhood'. LOL
BONUS: Don't you know you're sleeping in a spotlight? Sleeping in it? Hell I live in the spotlight! yeah baby, I'm a star!
Today's comment question: What relaxes you? *nervously looks around* why do you ask? Do you think I need to relax? Is that what you are saying? I'm high strung? who the hell do you think you are? I'm not high strung... Just back off man... *nervously looks around again... chugs last of coffee...*
1. I just got back from a family reunion. It was ok, but I find those gatherings a little boring. Does your family ever have any reunions or annual get-togethers? Do you enjoy them? Um... reunion.... hmmm... last one was like.... 17 or 18 years ago.. we get together the obligatory once or twice a year for holidays. Sometimes I enjoy them... depends on if anyone is fighting or if anyone is trying to make the who 'experience' into something it isn't. It's best if they just let things happen.
2. A gal I work with told me that when her husband's drivers licsence comes up for renewal, she swipes it. She says he won't ever pose for pictures and that's the only way she can get a photo of him. Is that not creepy? Are you a picture person? Do you like taking photos, and having yours taken? I'm like a canned ham. I love pictures and I love having my picture taken.... well since I lost 40 lbs. I do now.
3. Time for show and tell: post a recent photo of yourself! since you insist! This was me yesterday!

4. I have a cousin I always knew as Jay. As he got into college, he began to go by Greg. Turns out is name was Greg, Junior. Jay was short for Junior! Can't blame him for changing it. Did you ever have a nick-name growing up? How did it come about? Did you ever give anyone a nickname that stuck? Yup, mom called me Pudy... she rhymed it with Judy... Judy Pudy... It's been shortened to Pooh now. I like that MUCH better. Hmmm.. yup.. I'm bad about giving people nick names. Started calling a friend Petey a long time ago.. and that stuck. LOL
5. Since I don't have cable, a friend promised to send me a few episodes of "Trading Spaces," the show where folks redecorate someone else's home (and I'm still waaaaiiiting on that tape). But that got me to thinking about how I'd change my own house if I were able. And the room I'd do first would be the bathroom. If you could design the bathroom of your dreams, what would it be like? Spare no expense! hmmm.. huge garden tub, but a BIG shower also... a lot like what I had at my house.. just bigger tub and a bigger shower...
6. I've been trying to catch up on the early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in re-runs, though I've been told to buy the DVDs. But I think I'd rather borrow them if I could. But there are a few television shows I'd like to own on DVD (like "The Flash" and "Max Headroom"). What shows (if any) do you own in a video collection? What TV shows would you like to see collected on DVD or video? Hubby has some of the Star Trek stuff. We'd both love 'Far Scape' (which is being cancled! whaaaa!!!!)
7. I recently watched "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang" again, first time since I was little. It held up pretty well, unlike some movies that are better in your memory than they are when you see them again (like "E.T." good movie, but for me, better as a memory). Do you have any favorite movies from your childhood? Do you think you would still enjoy them if you watched them today? Wizard of Oz - I watch it about once a year. I do love that so much. But I realize there are many movies that are better left as fond memories, so I don't seek out to many 'great movies from childhood'. LOL
BONUS: Don't you know you're sleeping in a spotlight? Sleeping in it? Hell I live in the spotlight! yeah baby, I'm a star!
Today's comment question: What relaxes you? *nervously looks around* why do you ask? Do you think I need to relax? Is that what you are saying? I'm high strung? who the hell do you think you are? I'm not high strung... Just back off man... *nervously looks around again... chugs last of coffee...*
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