Wednesday, October 09, 2002

1. Heroines: Ariel (Little Mermaid) or Belle (Beauty & the Beast)?
OK... tough one... I love both stories... I love Ariel.... that's my favorite story from childhood... and she's a cute redhead... but I love Belle also... my second favorite from child hood... Although... people are dissing Ariel as being a bimbo and not likeing that she gave it all up for a man she never met... well :oP to you! I love a good love story/fairy tale.

2. More heroines: Mulan or Pocahontas?
Mulan rocks. (especially if we are talking the Disney movie... IRL Mulan was just a folk tale... but a good one... Pocahontas was an incredible woman who helped shape this nation)

3. Princesses: Snow White or Cinderella?
Cinderella... I liked the talking mice.

4. Toy Story: Buzz or Woody?
hmmm.... depends on if it's TSI or TSII.... TSI - Woody... TSI Buzz

5. Animals: Simba (Lion King) or Bambi?
Simba! I love lions.. and Lion King is such a great movie... Although I do like Bambi... especially if he's served rare with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy!

6. Naughty boys: Peter Pan or Pinocchio?
Hmmm... I guess Peter Pan... although he was a bit of a jerk. Pinocchio would have been cool.. because he was a puppet.. you could have made some money off him! (hey... didn't someone try that?...)

7. Sidekicks: Sebastian the Crab (Little Mermaid) or Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)?
Although I love crickets (lucky bugs) I find Jiminy rather irritating and a definate reason to call Terminex... Sebastian has that cool accent.

8. Villians: Wicked Queen (Snow White) or Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmations)?
Oh Cruella DeVil hands down! She had style! (gosh I loved that coat!)

9. Classics: Goofy or Pluto?
Goofy is an idiot... Pluto... I always wanted a dog like Pluto

10. And of course: Mickey or Donald?
Hmmm.... neither... I think someone should set a large trap for Mickey and Donald should be plucked and stuffed for Thanksgiving dinner. hehehehe... yeah I know.. I'm bad... probably has something to do with a certain toddler watching a certain (now missing) Mickey Mouse Christmas tape over and over....

Ok, your turn! Can't wait for your answers.

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