Could My Luck Really Be Changing?
Well hubby is back. It's a definite MAYBE on the car. *sigh* He'll know more later.
Odd thing happend though, a friend of ours who is moving back to swealtering Texas RIGHT NOW in the middle of fucking summer stopped by to drop of a couple of things. Hubby wasn't home yet so we chatted for a few moments. Hubby walked in right as our friend was about to leave. Hubby and friend chat for a few moments, friend asks about our current (dead) car and what's wrong with it then offers to look at it - friend is some what of a mechanic. He had a party to go to now, but will come back tomorrow to see why dead car won't start. Hmmm... maybe this is a VERY good thing. I don't know. I just want a CAR!!!!
Saturday, July 26, 2003
80 Degrees and 84% Humidity
That was the temperature and humidity this morning as I headed off to work… or rather swam to work. Right now it is 110 degrees and 32% humidity. How is that possible? It didn’t rain today… no of course not – it’s just how living in North Central Texas is.
Saturday Work
My sister took me to work today. I feel bad asking her because she has worked all week, not to mention that she worked last weekend as well (because she took me to work last weekend also). I need a CAR! Currently hubby is out trying to procure us a vehicle. Let's all take a deep breath and pray that everything works out for us. I'm getting seriously frustrated with trying to get a car. Father in law has been so understanding by taking hubby to work and bringing him home. I know his wife is getting really pissed about that though... I don't understand why though, they are both retired and it's not like they get out and do all that much (she's got some debilitating issues that make it hard for her to do very much as far as getting out and walking around or going somewhere and sitting for any lenght of time - that includes sitting in the car - she can't drive either, blind in one eye and can't see out the other... not a joke).
That was the temperature and humidity this morning as I headed off to work… or rather swam to work. Right now it is 110 degrees and 32% humidity. How is that possible? It didn’t rain today… no of course not – it’s just how living in North Central Texas is.
Saturday Work
My sister took me to work today. I feel bad asking her because she has worked all week, not to mention that she worked last weekend as well (because she took me to work last weekend also). I need a CAR! Currently hubby is out trying to procure us a vehicle. Let's all take a deep breath and pray that everything works out for us. I'm getting seriously frustrated with trying to get a car. Father in law has been so understanding by taking hubby to work and bringing him home. I know his wife is getting really pissed about that though... I don't understand why though, they are both retired and it's not like they get out and do all that much (she's got some debilitating issues that make it hard for her to do very much as far as getting out and walking around or going somewhere and sitting for any lenght of time - that includes sitting in the car - she can't drive either, blind in one eye and can't see out the other... not a joke).
Friday, July 25, 2003
Luck Changing
Uggghhhh... what can I do to get a break?!?!?! Still having trouble getting a car - my check STILL hasn't come in. I guess the ONLY good thing today was that I DIDN'T get a visit from the State's Gestopo.
Venting, venting, venting....
My credit is so screwed thanks to the State, we don't qualify for ANY loan and Kent's dad doesn't qualify as a co-signer. My sister offered but her husband pointed out that since they recently got her a new SUV theres NO way in hell she would be able to co-sign.
Fuck... I need a stiff drink.
Uggghhhh... what can I do to get a break?!?!?! Still having trouble getting a car - my check STILL hasn't come in. I guess the ONLY good thing today was that I DIDN'T get a visit from the State's Gestopo.
Venting, venting, venting....
My credit is so screwed thanks to the State, we don't qualify for ANY loan and Kent's dad doesn't qualify as a co-signer. My sister offered but her husband pointed out that since they recently got her a new SUV theres NO way in hell she would be able to co-sign.
Fuck... I need a stiff drink.
Just One More Piece Of Evidence The Texas Is Fucked Up...
Mural of Eve called 'harmful material'
Uggh... talk about being uptight!
Mural of Eve called 'harmful material'
Uggh... talk about being uptight!
Sad, Sad News
Some News stories that are just depressing:
Is ice cream a 'coronary in a cone'? sheesh... why doesn't someone just suck the life out of summer already...
Get an online divorce That's just sad...
Site IDs wrong woman in Bryant case Good Grief... what is the world coming to?
Nuns facing at least 6 years in prison for damaging missile silo
Some News stories that are just depressing:
Is ice cream a 'coronary in a cone'? sheesh... why doesn't someone just suck the life out of summer already...
Get an online divorce That's just sad...
Site IDs wrong woman in Bryant case Good Grief... what is the world coming to?
Nuns facing at least 6 years in prison for damaging missile silo
Odd Way To Get Here...
I just checked my site meter and someone found their way here by searching for '129 iq'. I was confused for a second then I realized - Ohhhhh... my IQ... That's right I took one of thoes stupid tests. I think I scored pretty well. I never take those things correctly. I think your supposed to take it when it's quiet and you won't be interupted, but I never do that. My kids are always asking for things or trying to give the cat a hair cut or something like that. I also answer my phone while I take the test and when I start to get bored I just rush through it. Sheesh. I always sucked at tests in school, I'd get bored and just rush through. So hell maybe I'm a freaking genius and I'm just to damn impatient to take the test right... reminds me of the Seindfeld where Elaine takes the IQ test for George.... Night.
So I go and take another IQ test - it's quite and all.. I scored a 146. That can't be right. I think this sight is just sucking up to me to get me to buy things... hmmm... maybe I am smart after all - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway.. I don't buy 146.
I just checked my site meter and someone found their way here by searching for '129 iq'. I was confused for a second then I realized - Ohhhhh... my IQ... That's right I took one of thoes stupid tests. I think I scored pretty well. I never take those things correctly. I think your supposed to take it when it's quiet and you won't be interupted, but I never do that. My kids are always asking for things or trying to give the cat a hair cut or something like that. I also answer my phone while I take the test and when I start to get bored I just rush through it. Sheesh. I always sucked at tests in school, I'd get bored and just rush through. So hell maybe I'm a freaking genius and I'm just to damn impatient to take the test right... reminds me of the Seindfeld where Elaine takes the IQ test for George.... Night.
So I go and take another IQ test - it's quite and all.. I scored a 146. That can't be right. I think this sight is just sucking up to me to get me to buy things... hmmm... maybe I am smart after all - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway.. I don't buy 146.
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Don't Sell That!
I almost forgot this, it was probably the FUNNIEST thing that happend today.
I was folding laundry and putting some things aside that I'm going to get rid of either by selling on e-bay or donating to charity. Super Girl askes me why I'm doing all the laundry (as if I don't do laundry just about EVERY freaking day!) and I say because I'm going to be selling a bunch of things. She looks at the table covered with stacks of clothes then she says "Don't sell my panties mamma!" I started laughing, my father in law started laughing also. Then I explained to her that it was just going to be things that didn't fit, and definitly NOT her panties. hehehe... kids.
I almost forgot this, it was probably the FUNNIEST thing that happend today.
I was folding laundry and putting some things aside that I'm going to get rid of either by selling on e-bay or donating to charity. Super Girl askes me why I'm doing all the laundry (as if I don't do laundry just about EVERY freaking day!) and I say because I'm going to be selling a bunch of things. She looks at the table covered with stacks of clothes then she says "Don't sell my panties mamma!" I started laughing, my father in law started laughing also. Then I explained to her that it was just going to be things that didn't fit, and definitly NOT her panties. hehehe... kids.
Straight Talk on Gay TV
Hubby and I have found a new program to be addicted to. Queer Eye For The Straight Guy . Of course he wanted to watch it being gay and all… I think mostly so he could pick up some fashion tips – he most definitely does NOT dress like a gay man… hell if not for me he’d still be depending on Garanimals to match his clothes! Anyway we caught it the first night it was on and it was a riot! OMG! It makes me miss my hair fairy so much. I miss the catty venomous comments about people he used to whisper to me. I miss the backwards complements he used to give. *sigh * Enough of that, back to the show. The clothing fag gets on my nerves at times – he is SOOOOOO gay and some of the fashion items he picks are total shit – for instance the last show he put together the absolute crappiest outfits for this guy – YUCK ! And one thing I’m consistently left wondering about, WHY is he continually putting these guys in baggy assed jeans? I mean he’s GAY and most GAY men I know are ass men (get your mind out of the damn gutter! I DON’T mean it like THAT! I just mean they all loved the sight of a man with a nice shapely ass wearing pants that fit enough that you could see the shape of the ass.) The hair fairy kind of confuses me – he’s very very cute (isn’t that ALWAYS the case? The best looking men are always batting for the other team – all the ones you WISH would be gay are always straight begging you for sex… sheesh) at times he’s butch and at other times he is a flaming queen. Seems the ONLY thing he really does is take the guy to get a hair cut, clean the bathroom and tell the guy how to shave. Then one of my favorites – the decorating diva – he’s fabulous. He does absolute MAGIC! I want him to be my second best friend! He doesn’t really have the GAY look (like clothing fag and hair fairy do), but he does act gay, but not really over the top. The music boy doesn’t seem like he really has much of a role in the show – I mean until the end when they are all in the room watching what is going on – then he has an equal role in criticizing and celebrating the evenings events. I saved the best for last… the cooking queen. I love him. I’d marry him… even knowing he’s gay. He’s not bad looking, but I bet he could work magic in the kitchen (and he’d have to if I were to marry him, hell if I wasn’t getting satisfied in the bedroom I’d sure as hell be satisfied in the kitchen). He’s so NOT gay. I mean I’m SURE he IS gay, he’s on this GAY show so he has to be gay, but he has no gay mannerisms at all. This is the man I want as my best best friend.
The show kicks major ass. I love it. Even when I hate what they are doing – I have to watch and see how it turns out. This past week the clothing fairy had the funniest put down for the straight guys girlfriend - two snaps up for that one! It’s a good thing she couldn’t hear him – she looked like she could take him easily! I would LOVE/HATE to spend the day with these guys. Love it because I’m sure we would have a blast, hate it because I KNOW that as soon as the door was closed behind me they would start dis’ing me! Bitches!
*disclaimer *: none of the terms used to describe the men, their looks, their dress, their mannerisms or their actions are meant in a derogatory way. I have a gay husband and he’s told me it’s ok to say gay, fag, queer, queen and flamer (so I’ve been given permission so to speak – na-na-na) AND I’ve know and loved (again – get your mind out of the gay porn area… I mean that in a platonic way – only one gay man have I LOVED LOVED… wait… scratch that… someone once told me that one of my ex-men turned gay… then there was that guy I dated in HS… he’s gay.. in the closet gay… So… three gays I’ve LOVED LOVED – all men, no kitty licking in my past…not that there’s anything wrong with that… I guess I just haven’t met the right woman for that… hehehe… and she’d have to be a HE… um…. Anyway… I’m not bashing gays, so don’t even start with me.
Hubby and I have found a new program to be addicted to. Queer Eye For The Straight Guy . Of course he wanted to watch it being gay and all… I think mostly so he could pick up some fashion tips – he most definitely does NOT dress like a gay man… hell if not for me he’d still be depending on Garanimals to match his clothes! Anyway we caught it the first night it was on and it was a riot! OMG! It makes me miss my hair fairy so much. I miss the catty venomous comments about people he used to whisper to me. I miss the backwards complements he used to give. *sigh * Enough of that, back to the show. The clothing fag gets on my nerves at times – he is SOOOOOO gay and some of the fashion items he picks are total shit – for instance the last show he put together the absolute crappiest outfits for this guy – YUCK ! And one thing I’m consistently left wondering about, WHY is he continually putting these guys in baggy assed jeans? I mean he’s GAY and most GAY men I know are ass men (get your mind out of the damn gutter! I DON’T mean it like THAT! I just mean they all loved the sight of a man with a nice shapely ass wearing pants that fit enough that you could see the shape of the ass.) The hair fairy kind of confuses me – he’s very very cute (isn’t that ALWAYS the case? The best looking men are always batting for the other team – all the ones you WISH would be gay are always straight begging you for sex… sheesh) at times he’s butch and at other times he is a flaming queen. Seems the ONLY thing he really does is take the guy to get a hair cut, clean the bathroom and tell the guy how to shave. Then one of my favorites – the decorating diva – he’s fabulous. He does absolute MAGIC! I want him to be my second best friend! He doesn’t really have the GAY look (like clothing fag and hair fairy do), but he does act gay, but not really over the top. The music boy doesn’t seem like he really has much of a role in the show – I mean until the end when they are all in the room watching what is going on – then he has an equal role in criticizing and celebrating the evenings events. I saved the best for last… the cooking queen. I love him. I’d marry him… even knowing he’s gay. He’s not bad looking, but I bet he could work magic in the kitchen (and he’d have to if I were to marry him, hell if I wasn’t getting satisfied in the bedroom I’d sure as hell be satisfied in the kitchen). He’s so NOT gay. I mean I’m SURE he IS gay, he’s on this GAY show so he has to be gay, but he has no gay mannerisms at all. This is the man I want as my best best friend.
The show kicks major ass. I love it. Even when I hate what they are doing – I have to watch and see how it turns out. This past week the clothing fairy had the funniest put down for the straight guys girlfriend - two snaps up for that one! It’s a good thing she couldn’t hear him – she looked like she could take him easily! I would LOVE/HATE to spend the day with these guys. Love it because I’m sure we would have a blast, hate it because I KNOW that as soon as the door was closed behind me they would start dis’ing me! Bitches!
*disclaimer *: none of the terms used to describe the men, their looks, their dress, their mannerisms or their actions are meant in a derogatory way. I have a gay husband and he’s told me it’s ok to say gay, fag, queer, queen and flamer (so I’ve been given permission so to speak – na-na-na) AND I’ve know and loved (again – get your mind out of the gay porn area… I mean that in a platonic way – only one gay man have I LOVED LOVED… wait… scratch that… someone once told me that one of my ex-men turned gay… then there was that guy I dated in HS… he’s gay.. in the closet gay… So… three gays I’ve LOVED LOVED – all men, no kitty licking in my past…not that there’s anything wrong with that… I guess I just haven’t met the right woman for that… hehehe… and she’d have to be a HE… um…. Anyway… I’m not bashing gays, so don’t even start with me.
Poping Up
Did you know they still sell popcorn that you have to pop in a pot? Jiffy Pop still exists also.
I haven’t bought any kind of popcorn except the microwave kind in probably 15 or so years. Popcorn that you pop in a pot makes me think of my father. Fond memories of daddy. When I was little daddy would make a huge pot of popcorn, then put it in a paper bag and put salt on it. We’d all sit and watch the weekly Disney movie and eat popcorn. He would also make popcorn for kid parties. I always wanted daddy to make Jiffy Pop so I could watch it expand (why else would kids want it?). He never would. I think I have watch Jiffy Pop pop 3 times in my life, one time at a friends house, one time I think with an aunt and I can’t remember the circumstances of the third time… so maybe I’m imagining it… or I was high or something… which means I probably did imagine it… anyway… I don’t like popcorn. Like every little kid I would eat it, but I don’t remember really LOVING it. When my mother remarried her new husband loved popcorn and had a popcorn popper (back in the early 80’s). I thought that was pretty damn cool. You could watch the popcorn pop! DAMN! But I still wasn’t totally into it. Well before long they were making it all the freaking time. Bleh. Every night *pop * *pop * *pop *. For years this obsession of theirs went on, popping and popping, melting butter and salting… bags and bags of popcorn. I actually got to where I hated the smell of popcorn. One day shortly after I finished high school one of my parents friends gave them an air popper * ooooooohhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh*. This I liked. This was a cool toy. Popcorn was still pretty vile to eat though. One of the first times making popcorn mom and I put too much popcorn in the popper. The popcorn overflowed all over the kitchen floor – it looked kind of like when you put the wrong kind of soap in the dishwasher and it pukes suds all over… except this was popcorn. My mother laughed as she watched my trying to catch the popcorn that the popper was spewing at me at an alarming rate. Her witch cackle attracted the others to come laugh at me being buried alive in popcorn. Uggh.
I escaped the Casa de Pop when I moved in with hubby a couple of years later. He likes popcorn, but not fanatically and he was quite happy with having microwave popcorn. I could tolerate the occasional bag of popcorn emitting noxious popcorn fumes for his sake. Ahhh… the things you do for love.
Last year sometime his brother gave us a gift bag with a bottle of popcorn in it – the kind you pop in a pot… this was part of a theme gift… with it came a carton of Whoppers (I’m all over that one!) and a gift card to Blockbuster. The Whoppers were gone within a matter of hours and the gift card was used that week – but the popcorn… it was a while before it was opened… and I’m not entirely sure WHY it was opened. We generally have a healthy supply of microwave popcorn on hand. A few months ago on a whim I made popcorn in a pot for the kids – I think I had promised them popcorn and when I got to the pantry realized that there was only one bag of microwave stuff left, so not wanting to deprive my husband I made popcorn for the little people. They were fascinated that it could be made on the stove top as well as the microwave. Today I made the last of the popcorn for the little people. The little people were thrilled… until they got to the bottom of the bowl. Hehehe… I guess I somehow passed along the popcorn loving gene.
I still want to make some Jiffy Pop….

Did you know they still sell popcorn that you have to pop in a pot? Jiffy Pop still exists also.
I haven’t bought any kind of popcorn except the microwave kind in probably 15 or so years. Popcorn that you pop in a pot makes me think of my father. Fond memories of daddy. When I was little daddy would make a huge pot of popcorn, then put it in a paper bag and put salt on it. We’d all sit and watch the weekly Disney movie and eat popcorn. He would also make popcorn for kid parties. I always wanted daddy to make Jiffy Pop so I could watch it expand (why else would kids want it?). He never would. I think I have watch Jiffy Pop pop 3 times in my life, one time at a friends house, one time I think with an aunt and I can’t remember the circumstances of the third time… so maybe I’m imagining it… or I was high or something… which means I probably did imagine it… anyway… I don’t like popcorn. Like every little kid I would eat it, but I don’t remember really LOVING it. When my mother remarried her new husband loved popcorn and had a popcorn popper (back in the early 80’s). I thought that was pretty damn cool. You could watch the popcorn pop! DAMN! But I still wasn’t totally into it. Well before long they were making it all the freaking time. Bleh. Every night *pop * *pop * *pop *. For years this obsession of theirs went on, popping and popping, melting butter and salting… bags and bags of popcorn. I actually got to where I hated the smell of popcorn. One day shortly after I finished high school one of my parents friends gave them an air popper * ooooooohhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh*. This I liked. This was a cool toy. Popcorn was still pretty vile to eat though. One of the first times making popcorn mom and I put too much popcorn in the popper. The popcorn overflowed all over the kitchen floor – it looked kind of like when you put the wrong kind of soap in the dishwasher and it pukes suds all over… except this was popcorn. My mother laughed as she watched my trying to catch the popcorn that the popper was spewing at me at an alarming rate. Her witch cackle attracted the others to come laugh at me being buried alive in popcorn. Uggh.
I escaped the Casa de Pop when I moved in with hubby a couple of years later. He likes popcorn, but not fanatically and he was quite happy with having microwave popcorn. I could tolerate the occasional bag of popcorn emitting noxious popcorn fumes for his sake. Ahhh… the things you do for love.
Last year sometime his brother gave us a gift bag with a bottle of popcorn in it – the kind you pop in a pot… this was part of a theme gift… with it came a carton of Whoppers (I’m all over that one!) and a gift card to Blockbuster. The Whoppers were gone within a matter of hours and the gift card was used that week – but the popcorn… it was a while before it was opened… and I’m not entirely sure WHY it was opened. We generally have a healthy supply of microwave popcorn on hand. A few months ago on a whim I made popcorn in a pot for the kids – I think I had promised them popcorn and when I got to the pantry realized that there was only one bag of microwave stuff left, so not wanting to deprive my husband I made popcorn for the little people. They were fascinated that it could be made on the stove top as well as the microwave. Today I made the last of the popcorn for the little people. The little people were thrilled… until they got to the bottom of the bowl. Hehehe… I guess I somehow passed along the popcorn loving gene.
I still want to make some Jiffy Pop….
My Life Could Be Worse...
Read this Zeus bug is ultimate male chauvinist (I stole this from L). At least I'm not that poor bug. Damn she needs to get to a counselor, work on her self esteem and kick that bug to the curb! Sheesh... that bug society needs a serious lesbian movement to put the males in their places. This one comment was funny Elgar and his colleagues suspect it is less tiring to put up with one male partner than several. ummm-hmmm... I've known plenty of women who thought that way... just easier to put up with the asshole they do know than to risk it with a bunch of assholes they don't know. Damn... I'm voting this bug for the battered woman poster bug of the year... My advice to that bug - get some RAID!
Read this Zeus bug is ultimate male chauvinist (I stole this from L). At least I'm not that poor bug. Damn she needs to get to a counselor, work on her self esteem and kick that bug to the curb! Sheesh... that bug society needs a serious lesbian movement to put the males in their places. This one comment was funny Elgar and his colleagues suspect it is less tiring to put up with one male partner than several. ummm-hmmm... I've known plenty of women who thought that way... just easier to put up with the asshole they do know than to risk it with a bunch of assholes they don't know. Damn... I'm voting this bug for the battered woman poster bug of the year... My advice to that bug - get some RAID!
Today Was Tea With The Queen... Well Just A Couple Of Princess'
We had a tea party today. I used that to bribe the kids to pick up their fucking toys before I totally fucking snapped and threw them all in the creek... I mean to get them to pick up. hehe... (I knew I shouldn't have stopped taking those anti-depressants) Well a miracle happend and they DID pick up. I'll attach a photo of the exciting event as soon as I'm done downloading music from Kazza.
We had a tea party today. I used that to bribe the kids to pick up their fucking toys before I totally fucking snapped and threw them all in the creek... I mean to get them to pick up. hehe... (I knew I shouldn't have stopped taking those anti-depressants) Well a miracle happend and they DID pick up. I'll attach a photo of the exciting event as soon as I'm done downloading music from Kazza.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Then There Were Five...
So I killed another goldfish today. I caught one in the gravel vacuum today while cleaning out the tank. He swam away so I thought there was no permanent damage done. That or it was that I didn't warm up the water sufficiently for them and the smallest died because of it... or possibly he was severely depressed and my cleaning out the tank gave him the most promising opportunity to commit suicide and make it look as though I had somehow caused it in my tireless efforts to keep their living environment pristine and beautiful.
I gazed upon my tank just a few moments ago, all of the fish swam to the corner to stare unblinking back at me as if to say "Why? Why did you do it? Baby Bear was the smallest of all of us." Or possibly it could have been "Food. Food. Food. Food." that they were saying, they are goldfish after all, eating is a central part of their lives. Besides the only goldfish to have a definite malicious and blaming personality was Spike (God rest her slimy soul) - Valkerie is a bit of a dippy fish, Thor is a glutton, Bubbles is a bimbo fish and Mama Bear and Papa Bear are just follower fish - they will go where ever the others go. (I know, I spend to much time staring at these fish).
This evening after hubby put Cabbage Patch to bed I asked him to remove Baby Bear from the tank (it was stuck up against the filter intake thingie... kind of gross but at least it wasn't floating on it's side anymore). Super Girl said to me "Aren't you going to say something?" I asked her what she meant. She wanted me to say a few words about the dead fish. Ahhhh.... thank you Nickelodeon, thank you Rugrats. Today Chuckie's bug died and they had a 'funeral' and everyone said something about the dead bug. So I said "Baby Bear was a good fish, a small fish but a good fish." She said "Baby Bear was a good fish, the cats liked her." At that very moment the cats, having just finished eating, were walking past the couch licking their lips. I had to stifle a laugh as an image of hubby putting the dead fish in the cat dish flashed in my mind - yeah they would like her like that... He would never ever do that though, I suggested it once for a fish I owned less than 48 hours and he looked at me as though I had just asked him to shoot his father and feed him to a family of mountain lions. So on Baby Bear's virtual tomb stone (shaped like a cat food can) it will read "Baby Bear, She was a very good fish, the cats liked her a lot." and a cartoon picture of fish bones at the bottom.
So I killed another goldfish today. I caught one in the gravel vacuum today while cleaning out the tank. He swam away so I thought there was no permanent damage done. That or it was that I didn't warm up the water sufficiently for them and the smallest died because of it... or possibly he was severely depressed and my cleaning out the tank gave him the most promising opportunity to commit suicide and make it look as though I had somehow caused it in my tireless efforts to keep their living environment pristine and beautiful.
I gazed upon my tank just a few moments ago, all of the fish swam to the corner to stare unblinking back at me as if to say "Why? Why did you do it? Baby Bear was the smallest of all of us." Or possibly it could have been "Food. Food. Food. Food." that they were saying, they are goldfish after all, eating is a central part of their lives. Besides the only goldfish to have a definite malicious and blaming personality was Spike (God rest her slimy soul) - Valkerie is a bit of a dippy fish, Thor is a glutton, Bubbles is a bimbo fish and Mama Bear and Papa Bear are just follower fish - they will go where ever the others go. (I know, I spend to much time staring at these fish).
This evening after hubby put Cabbage Patch to bed I asked him to remove Baby Bear from the tank (it was stuck up against the filter intake thingie... kind of gross but at least it wasn't floating on it's side anymore). Super Girl said to me "Aren't you going to say something?" I asked her what she meant. She wanted me to say a few words about the dead fish. Ahhhh.... thank you Nickelodeon, thank you Rugrats. Today Chuckie's bug died and they had a 'funeral' and everyone said something about the dead bug. So I said "Baby Bear was a good fish, a small fish but a good fish." She said "Baby Bear was a good fish, the cats liked her." At that very moment the cats, having just finished eating, were walking past the couch licking their lips. I had to stifle a laugh as an image of hubby putting the dead fish in the cat dish flashed in my mind - yeah they would like her like that... He would never ever do that though, I suggested it once for a fish I owned less than 48 hours and he looked at me as though I had just asked him to shoot his father and feed him to a family of mountain lions. So on Baby Bear's virtual tomb stone (shaped like a cat food can) it will read "Baby Bear, She was a very good fish, the cats liked her a lot." and a cartoon picture of fish bones at the bottom.
Much Better Day
So I was in that before mentioned funk this morning. Had a lovely visit from the State Of Texas Gestapo - should be the LAST visit. The girls were being possesed this morning so I needed a break (read STIFF DRINK!). I checked the mail and got more not so great news... *sigh* Then I did some laundry, cleaned the fish tank and started making some pita bread. Better... I'm feeling better. I did some problem solving while I worked. Have some ideas to help my situation. Better... much better.
OMG! The Pita Bread is awsome!
So I was in that before mentioned funk this morning. Had a lovely visit from the State Of Texas Gestapo - should be the LAST visit. The girls were being possesed this morning so I needed a break (read STIFF DRINK!). I checked the mail and got more not so great news... *sigh* Then I did some laundry, cleaned the fish tank and started making some pita bread. Better... I'm feeling better. I did some problem solving while I worked. Have some ideas to help my situation. Better... much better.
OMG! The Pita Bread is awsome!
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Men... What's With That Shit????
So I haven't heard from my Sancho in a while - he did call last week while I was at work. In the past couple of days 3 men I used to see have left messages for me - I didn't even know it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - I don't check my messages regularly. Judy might end her celibacy streak yet! (two men are FABULOUS in bed - one is just awful).
So I haven't heard from my Sancho in a while - he did call last week while I was at work. In the past couple of days 3 men I used to see have left messages for me - I didn't even know it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - I don't check my messages regularly. Judy might end her celibacy streak yet! (two men are FABULOUS in bed - one is just awful).
Relatively Disapointed
My nephew will be coming home soon. This is the nephew who left for boot camp the beginning of May. He didn't make it through. He weasled his way out of the army because I guess he got tired of having people tell him what to do. I'm desperatly disapointed with him. He worked so hard to get OUT of the army once he joined - he would have graduated from basic last week. Now he will be discharged from the military the end of this week or the begining of next week. My sister and I have spent countless hours on the phone and in person discussing all of this. She's very angry with him but mostly disapointed. She's also afraid for him. Afraid that he'll continue to try to slide through life and not take responsibilty... that and be a major con. That sounds like maybe being too hard on him, but it's not. He's a habitual liar and a con. It's very frustrating. We had all hoped that the military would teach him a little maturity and how to be a responsible person. I guess not.
My nephew will be coming home soon. This is the nephew who left for boot camp the beginning of May. He didn't make it through. He weasled his way out of the army because I guess he got tired of having people tell him what to do. I'm desperatly disapointed with him. He worked so hard to get OUT of the army once he joined - he would have graduated from basic last week. Now he will be discharged from the military the end of this week or the begining of next week. My sister and I have spent countless hours on the phone and in person discussing all of this. She's very angry with him but mostly disapointed. She's also afraid for him. Afraid that he'll continue to try to slide through life and not take responsibilty... that and be a major con. That sounds like maybe being too hard on him, but it's not. He's a habitual liar and a con. It's very frustrating. We had all hoped that the military would teach him a little maturity and how to be a responsible person. I guess not.
In A Funk...
I'm in a funk today... that is to say I'm a bit down. I should not write now because of that, but I haven't written anything substancial in a while. I'm not completly depressed as in 'Give-me-some-chocolate-and-let-me-lock-myself-in-my-bedroom-for-a-week', just down. Could be the weather. It's been raining here for the past hour or so - one would think because of the recent 100+ temperatures and arid conditions here in Texas I would be jumping for joy and dancing in the rian. Not so. I'm just not. I have done EVERYTHING I usually do to drag back to my usual cheerful scarcasm, but it's just not working. I guess part of it is the car situation. We still have yet to get another car. This week we will, but I know hubby was really hoping it would be today. My paycheck hasn't come in yet, so we have to wait for that. I know he was thinking it would come today, I kept telling him it wouldn't be here until later in the week. I know his father has to be getting rather tired of carting him back and forth to work. I'm really really hoping that we will be able to get a car by Friday, I know my sister does not want to take me to work again. She will have worked all week and I know she will be TIRED of going to work. She's been very gracious about taking me to work last week. I remember taking her to work many times in the past, but that was kind of different, we lived very close to one another and her work was very close to mine. I dislike having to depend on others.
I guess I'm just kind of frustrated right now. Frustrated with not having a car, frustrated with waiting to get a car, frustrated with having to ask for someone to take me to work. *sigh* frustrated... or maybe it's just PMS. (and lack of sex.)
I'm in a funk today... that is to say I'm a bit down. I should not write now because of that, but I haven't written anything substancial in a while. I'm not completly depressed as in 'Give-me-some-chocolate-and-let-me-lock-myself-in-my-bedroom-for-a-week', just down. Could be the weather. It's been raining here for the past hour or so - one would think because of the recent 100+ temperatures and arid conditions here in Texas I would be jumping for joy and dancing in the rian. Not so. I'm just not. I have done EVERYTHING I usually do to drag back to my usual cheerful scarcasm, but it's just not working. I guess part of it is the car situation. We still have yet to get another car. This week we will, but I know hubby was really hoping it would be today. My paycheck hasn't come in yet, so we have to wait for that. I know he was thinking it would come today, I kept telling him it wouldn't be here until later in the week. I know his father has to be getting rather tired of carting him back and forth to work. I'm really really hoping that we will be able to get a car by Friday, I know my sister does not want to take me to work again. She will have worked all week and I know she will be TIRED of going to work. She's been very gracious about taking me to work last week. I remember taking her to work many times in the past, but that was kind of different, we lived very close to one another and her work was very close to mine. I dislike having to depend on others.
I guess I'm just kind of frustrated right now. Frustrated with not having a car, frustrated with waiting to get a car, frustrated with having to ask for someone to take me to work. *sigh* frustrated... or maybe it's just PMS. (and lack of sex.)
Cabbage Patch
Now that she's 2 she's become the supreme drama queen. She fell earlier this morning. I picked her up and comforted her for a moment, then she wanted down. She searched the living room for the PERFECT blankie then came back to me and whined until I held her in my arms like a baby with the blanket over her. I think she would still be here if I hadn't put her down because my arms were getting tired! She's still acting like the diva and her fall happened over an hour ago. (Oh her fall didn't hurt her, just scared her a bit)
Now that she's 2 she's become the supreme drama queen. She fell earlier this morning. I picked her up and comforted her for a moment, then she wanted down. She searched the living room for the PERFECT blankie then came back to me and whined until I held her in my arms like a baby with the blanket over her. I think she would still be here if I hadn't put her down because my arms were getting tired! She's still acting like the diva and her fall happened over an hour ago. (Oh her fall didn't hurt her, just scared her a bit)
Super Girl
What a silly girl. Lately Super Girl has been obsessed with watching the Disney movie which I chose her name from. She has a running comentary through out the movie "See mamma, that was me when I did...." "Oh that was when ..... happened to me." At least once during the movie I have to remind her that daddy and I are her parents NOT the king and queen in the move.
What a silly girl. Lately Super Girl has been obsessed with watching the Disney movie which I chose her name from. She has a running comentary through out the movie "See mamma, that was me when I did...." "Oh that was when ..... happened to me." At least once during the movie I have to remind her that daddy and I are her parents NOT the king and queen in the move.
Monday, July 21, 2003
*sigh* Uggh... I'm just not motivated to write anything today. damn... It's not a case of 'nothing-to-say' just too much to say. Things that piss me off, things that make me a bit nervous, someone who has disapointed me, little bit of life searching/wondering and a little bit of male bashing to finish it all of. Maybe tomorrow. I'm going to write a letter to a friend now, feed my fish, then maybe a hot bath and off to bed.
*sigh* Uggh... I'm just not motivated to write anything today. damn... It's not a case of 'nothing-to-say' just too much to say. Things that piss me off, things that make me a bit nervous, someone who has disapointed me, little bit of life searching/wondering and a little bit of male bashing to finish it all of. Maybe tomorrow. I'm going to write a letter to a friend now, feed my fish, then maybe a hot bath and off to bed.
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