Saturday, July 26, 2003

80 Degrees and 84% Humidity

That was the temperature and humidity this morning as I headed off to work… or rather swam to work. Right now it is 110 degrees and 32% humidity. How is that possible? It didn’t rain today… no of course not – it’s just how living in North Central Texas is.

Saturday Work

My sister took me to work today. I feel bad asking her because she has worked all week, not to mention that she worked last weekend as well (because she took me to work last weekend also). I need a CAR! Currently hubby is out trying to procure us a vehicle. Let's all take a deep breath and pray that everything works out for us. I'm getting seriously frustrated with trying to get a car. Father in law has been so understanding by taking hubby to work and bringing him home. I know his wife is getting really pissed about that though... I don't understand why though, they are both retired and it's not like they get out and do all that much (she's got some debilitating issues that make it hard for her to do very much as far as getting out and walking around or going somewhere and sitting for any lenght of time - that includes sitting in the car - she can't drive either, blind in one eye and can't see out the other... not a joke).

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