Friday, August 08, 2003

My Amazing Mental Powers!!!

Picture 1 - me with the spoon

Picture 2 - me having just bent the above mentioned spoon with amazing mind powers *

*my mind power not a spoon that got bent up in the disposal and I passed off as having bent. And the pictures are fuzzy because of my Amazing Mental Powers bluring the picture NOT because I was acting like a fool and laughing hard.

Just In Time For My Birthday!

Ok, well actually AFTER my birthday, but in time for me finally having some money to do something

I want to see 'Freddy vs. Jason'

OMG! I want to see that so much, I don't care if it sucks ass! I am a big fan of the old slasher movies and Freddy is my FAVORITE slasher movie vilian with Jason being a close second. No I have not seen ALL of the Elm Street movies or all of the Jason movies, I stoped when they got horribly horribly cheesy, but I've seen all of the GOOD ones... and I love them... So I MUST see this movie! And 28 Days Later... must see that... love zombies... brains.... brains...
Tea Party

Super Girl makes me laugh so much. Today she is having a 'tea party' (kool-aid), she was brought me a tiny little cup and poured kool-aid in. I had my back to the coffee table where her sister was. Super Girl was telling me how she had made the kool-aid fresh and all that, I turn face Cabbage Patch and see her wiping the table with a wash cloth Super Girl says *sigh* "She's the cleaner." hehehehe... What a little snob. That's ok, I got a picture from earlier today with her nose taped like pig. ;o)

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Is This Tacky?

Today I got a wedding invitation. Inside was a RSVP card for the reception, instead of the usual small envelope to mail back, it has a phone number and an e-mail address to respond back. Also listed on the reception card is where the brid and groom are registered (with web link for easy shopping). Hmmm... I know that listing the gift registery on the reception card is just plain tacky, but is having people RSVP via e-mail considered tacky? Can someone contact Ms. Manners and ask? I know I'm the last person anyone would think of to worry about ettiquite but this did strike me as fairly tacky. Generally I relish the tacky weddings - I mean everyone remembers the horribly tacky details of a trashy wedding, the ones that are not tacky really don't stay in the memory files that much - I know that this wedding will be anything but tacky so I'm just a bit taken by the card.

Memorable Tacky Weddings:

My Aunt's 3rd wedding - she got married in a church that neither she nor her husband attended, she wore WHITE, she had both of her daughters as her attendants, one of her friends did her flowers another friend did the church flowers - nothing matched, the attendants dresses - one word: prostitute! The ushers all had Three Stoges ties! The organist was a total freak... Reception in the tackiest place - her friend showing up with the flowers for the reception dressed like a $10 hooker - 6 in stiletto heels, super tight micro mini dress, 60 watt nuclear tan, bleached hair and looking like she got attacked by a gang of Mary Kay ladies. Yeah... I will NEVER forget that wedding.

My cousin Jon's wedding (marriage lasted barely 3 months) -All the invitations went out with a picture of the bride and groom in them, the brides mades dresses were horrible and ugly - purple and sparkley - and the color looked reched on all of them - the dresses were badly made also - one tore on a seam right before the ceremony and was being held together by saftey pins. The ceremony was really nice, the church was AMAZING and bride and groom looked fantastic - then they left in a horse drawn carriage! Then came the reception - it was soooooooo over the top that it was just plain bad taste. The tables were loaded with party favors and memory items - LOTS of them. The cake was a total master piece of tackiness - A tiered cake - 12 in all - that lead up to HUGE Precious Moments bride and groom. None of the party favors and memory items were of the same theme. This was probably the MOST expensive wedding I have ever been too - and it was by far the most laughable for the tackiness - oh yeah - my cousin sang to his bride at the reception, would be really sweet except he CAN'T sing (no the song wasn't a joke, he thinks he CAN sing). My aunt still reffers to it as the tackiest wedding in history... well... maybe for her family it was... ;o)

D - can you think of any others?

My next wedding is going to be intentionally tacky - If I can get who ever would be crazy enough to marry me to agree to it that is - I'll have a Vegas wedding complete with Elvis. Ahhh... we all have to have dreams.
Testing My Limits Of Sanity...

Today - any minute now - a photographer is coming to take pictures of the little people. I'm such a sucker for this - I got pictures of Cabbage Patch when she was 9 months old and because I bought they are giving me a free sitting and a free 5X7. I love pictures - I'm a photographer! Anyway... I've bathed the little people and gotten them dressed in cute matching outfits - crisp white shirts with denim jumpers. They look adorable. But the photographer is NOT here yet and the kids are just itching to get dirty. I've already wiped oil crayon off Cabbage Patch! Super Girl was scraping piece of green sidewalk chalk with a butter knife! Sheesh! These kids are determined to get dirty. I need a valium...


The photograper got here right on time, the kids were still clean (miracle) and in good moods. The photographer set up quickly and then put fresh film in her camera - the camera breaks. She has to call field support and talk through it. So she gets the camera fixed, kids posed and *click* ... the flash doesn't go off. So she keeps at it, about every 2nd or 3rd picture doesn't flash. Still she gets some really great shots and she's fast. It will be 3 or 4 weeks until I see the proofs. I can't wait.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

The Time Has Come...

To think about what to get me for my birthday! hehehe... My birthday is this coming Monday. Here is my wish list:

Things for my aquarium - preferably things that glow in the dark, I don't know if the fish like it, but I think it's very cool. Buy them from here...
Also Algae Be Gone Tablets - Fish are getting tired of all the muck... I'm getting tired of scrubbing the tank once a week
New Fish Tank Scrubber
New Tank Thermometer... some child of mine decided to peal it off my tank
Bigger fish tank
New FANCY goldfish... Make sure it's small...

More collectible Barbies - Buy them from here...
ClothesBuy them from here (sleazy undies are always welcome)Buy Those from here
Cow things.... any cow thing... I do collect cows...
A manicure and pedicure

And most of all... an all expense paid vacation to some where quiet and full of hot men (no women) to wait on me hand and foot OR
A firestation full of hot firefighters just for ME
A Giant Chocolate Cake with a pint of Hagen Daz Midnight Cookies And Cream (they don't make it anymore) that has absolutly no calories or fat...
Big ass party with lots of booze and men... and me not feeling so damn responsible and mature ;o)

Yeah Yeah I know, I'm dreaming. I'll probably get a nice card from someone and my kids will be same as they always are. Eh, it's just another day... but I can dream...

Hey maybe I can get someone to go see 28 Days Later with me!
Still Fucking Hot

It's 111 right now - feels like 120 with the heat index. Tomorrow's forcast is hotter than the fucking sun so don't even think of going outside. Shit, summers like this make me believe in global warming.
Starving Cats

My cats hate me currently. I forgot to buy cat food this past weekend when I went shopping. So no food for the cats. Its not that the cats have NOTHING to eat - I always keep some cans of tuna on hand for just such emergencies and they are getting cream as well. But not these cats, thats just not good enough, they want the cheap crunchy kibble I buy them. Insane cats. My previous cat would have LOVED if I fed her tuna and cream every day - what's wrong with these cats!

I keep getting the angry acusing looks from the cats every time they approach the food bowl. I wouldn't be surprised if they plot my demise while I sleep at night. They spend the evening sitting in the chair watching us eat thinking "Yeah sure... feed the offspring and let the cats starve... We've been here for 9 years and what the biggest of the offspring just 4 years? Yeah that's loyalty. We will get you... Mark our words we will get you!!!!!" Or something like that... but then again it could just be "Feed us! Feed us Feed us!!! We'll poop in your shoes if you don't feed us!!! Oh look a bug! YAY! Let's play!"
Fucking Hot Day!

It's just after 9 AM here and it's 91. The forcasted high for today is a swealtering 104!!!! Shit! I had planned to take a nice long walk with the kids but fuck that, I think I'll pass on the heat stroke for today.

so last night I bit the bullet and went to the work meeting. I would have blown it off but Tami, one of my co-workers, offered to drive me there. So since I couldn't use the excuse of wasting my own gas, I relented and went. They provided dinner - Subway subs (my 2nd least favorite place to get a sandwich from), Coke and Doritos (Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese). The only people who had work for the company for any length of time was myself and Tami at 2 years and 2 years and 3 months respectivly. I really hate meetings. I mean REALLY hate them. I see them as such a waste of time and I get bored (short attention span what can I say). So I suffered through 2 hours of meeting. I suppose it was somewhat informative - I learned that we will be implementing some new time wasting procedures. Supposedly these are procedures that will help the company track our sales, etc. better. I don't understand them at all. We currently transmit our photos and sales daily, why are they not alredy able to track our daily sales? eh... I don't really care... I don't really have a great amount of respect for my new manager. She's a bit of a flake. They are also supposedly going to be developing 'schedules' for everyone. Um.... I have no idea why this is needed, I only work weekends. Saturday and Sunday. Well I also work holidays because I need the MONEY. The meeting was presented as though they were making all these wonderful changes and it was going to make everything better and wonderful and take care of all of our problems. OK, yeah, right. It may make some things better, but the basic staffing problems will not be solved by call ins and schedules. That's a problem with people just not likeing what they are getting paid and the inability to guarantee a specific number of hours. Well if they want to believe they are solving all the problems, who am I to burst their bubble. Anyway it wasn't a total waste, I did get 2 $10 American Express Gift Cheques for all my work last week. Cool. Gas money.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Summary Of My Weekend

I stayed up to damn late Friday night - had to work and didn't get home until 10 pm after doing some grocery shopping and putting gas in my new (to me) car - that thing has the absolute BEST gas mileage!

Saturday- Up at 6 am... scratch that 6:30 am... nope... 7 am... (hey I was tired) quick shower, search for work clothes (I forgot to wash my work pants) and head out the door. At work by 8 am, worked until 5:30 PM without a break. It was BUSY BUSY BUSY. I had 2 sets of twins to do - that was very cool.

Home at 6 pm. It was game night - one of our friends was already there *sigh* I hate it when people show up really early for the game. I whined to hubby that I wanted food I was hungry, all the caffeine and sugar that had kept me moving at work had worn off. He made me my favorite - hamburger helper lasagna (Yeah I know it's some what disgusting but I like it). Hamburger Helper, help your hamburger help her… make a great meal… um… never mind… I went to my bedroom for a nap at 7 pm (Just when people were showing up) because I was TIRED! Got up at 9 PM and gamed until 1 AM (what am I? A masochist?)

SundayUp at 6:30 am, shower, dress and head off to work - want to get out early to take my kids to a b-day party. Only had 3 babies to photo yesterday - but I got 3 sales - my commission for the weekend was $152 so I'm happy. :o) Got home and dressed the girls in coordinating clothes so we could head to the party. Took an hour and a half to get everyone ready - I was getting bitchy about that - hate to be late. The party was cute, the kids were good (a miracle) and our friend sent the girls home with a helium balloon for each of them. As soon as we get home Super Girl lets go of hers on the stairs (Cabbage Patch's was secured to her jumper so this wouldn't happen - Super Girl wouldn't let it stay tied to her wrist though). The ceiling over the stairs is VERY high so Hubby had to get a broom and try to bat the balloon to a place he could reach - while he was doing that Super Girl said "Don't pop it daddy" To which Cabbage Patch started to chant "Pop it! Pop it! Pop it!" This was pissing of Super Girl something serious... little sisters...

I don't remember much else that happened - I was desperately tired by then and just ready to sleep sleep sleep. Been working evenings at the hospital since Wednesday and not getting home before 10 pm or 11 pm. I have to work tonight - I am going to love my check from this week but I will be happy when they get someone hired for the week days - these evenings are getting old.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Little Sisters...

We just got back from a friend's baby's first birthday where the little people each got a balloon. Cabbage Patch's is tired to her jumper, Super Girl would not leave hers tied to her wrist so when we got home she let go of it on the stairs where the celing is very very hight. So daddy is trying to get it down, he gets the broom and is trying to bat the balloon to where he can reach it, Super Girl says "Don't pop it daddy" as he is trying, then Cabbage Patch starts yelling "Pop it! Pop it! Pop it!" hehehehe... this really pisses off Super Girl. Little sisters....