Thursday, August 07, 2003

Is This Tacky?

Today I got a wedding invitation. Inside was a RSVP card for the reception, instead of the usual small envelope to mail back, it has a phone number and an e-mail address to respond back. Also listed on the reception card is where the brid and groom are registered (with web link for easy shopping). Hmmm... I know that listing the gift registery on the reception card is just plain tacky, but is having people RSVP via e-mail considered tacky? Can someone contact Ms. Manners and ask? I know I'm the last person anyone would think of to worry about ettiquite but this did strike me as fairly tacky. Generally I relish the tacky weddings - I mean everyone remembers the horribly tacky details of a trashy wedding, the ones that are not tacky really don't stay in the memory files that much - I know that this wedding will be anything but tacky so I'm just a bit taken by the card.

Memorable Tacky Weddings:

My Aunt's 3rd wedding - she got married in a church that neither she nor her husband attended, she wore WHITE, she had both of her daughters as her attendants, one of her friends did her flowers another friend did the church flowers - nothing matched, the attendants dresses - one word: prostitute! The ushers all had Three Stoges ties! The organist was a total freak... Reception in the tackiest place - her friend showing up with the flowers for the reception dressed like a $10 hooker - 6 in stiletto heels, super tight micro mini dress, 60 watt nuclear tan, bleached hair and looking like she got attacked by a gang of Mary Kay ladies. Yeah... I will NEVER forget that wedding.

My cousin Jon's wedding (marriage lasted barely 3 months) -All the invitations went out with a picture of the bride and groom in them, the brides mades dresses were horrible and ugly - purple and sparkley - and the color looked reched on all of them - the dresses were badly made also - one tore on a seam right before the ceremony and was being held together by saftey pins. The ceremony was really nice, the church was AMAZING and bride and groom looked fantastic - then they left in a horse drawn carriage! Then came the reception - it was soooooooo over the top that it was just plain bad taste. The tables were loaded with party favors and memory items - LOTS of them. The cake was a total master piece of tackiness - A tiered cake - 12 in all - that lead up to HUGE Precious Moments bride and groom. None of the party favors and memory items were of the same theme. This was probably the MOST expensive wedding I have ever been too - and it was by far the most laughable for the tackiness - oh yeah - my cousin sang to his bride at the reception, would be really sweet except he CAN'T sing (no the song wasn't a joke, he thinks he CAN sing). My aunt still reffers to it as the tackiest wedding in history... well... maybe for her family it was... ;o)

D - can you think of any others?

My next wedding is going to be intentionally tacky - If I can get who ever would be crazy enough to marry me to agree to it that is - I'll have a Vegas wedding complete with Elvis. Ahhh... we all have to have dreams.

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