Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Fucking Hot Day!

It's just after 9 AM here and it's 91. The forcasted high for today is a swealtering 104!!!! Shit! I had planned to take a nice long walk with the kids but fuck that, I think I'll pass on the heat stroke for today.

so last night I bit the bullet and went to the work meeting. I would have blown it off but Tami, one of my co-workers, offered to drive me there. So since I couldn't use the excuse of wasting my own gas, I relented and went. They provided dinner - Subway subs (my 2nd least favorite place to get a sandwich from), Coke and Doritos (Cool Ranch and Nacho Cheese). The only people who had work for the company for any length of time was myself and Tami at 2 years and 2 years and 3 months respectivly. I really hate meetings. I mean REALLY hate them. I see them as such a waste of time and I get bored (short attention span what can I say). So I suffered through 2 hours of meeting. I suppose it was somewhat informative - I learned that we will be implementing some new time wasting procedures. Supposedly these are procedures that will help the company track our sales, etc. better. I don't understand them at all. We currently transmit our photos and sales daily, why are they not alredy able to track our daily sales? eh... I don't really care... I don't really have a great amount of respect for my new manager. She's a bit of a flake. They are also supposedly going to be developing 'schedules' for everyone. Um.... I have no idea why this is needed, I only work weekends. Saturday and Sunday. Well I also work holidays because I need the MONEY. The meeting was presented as though they were making all these wonderful changes and it was going to make everything better and wonderful and take care of all of our problems. OK, yeah, right. It may make some things better, but the basic staffing problems will not be solved by call ins and schedules. That's a problem with people just not likeing what they are getting paid and the inability to guarantee a specific number of hours. Well if they want to believe they are solving all the problems, who am I to burst their bubble. Anyway it wasn't a total waste, I did get 2 $10 American Express Gift Cheques for all my work last week. Cool. Gas money.

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