Things Are GoodI've had the best day EVAH. In no particular order...
I got a perfect cup of coffee and let the Tiny Terrorists get Slurpees - for breakfast.
I had a lot of pizza for lunch.
I spent the afternoon with four kids playing Rock Band.
At no time was I even remotely tempted to sell ANY of the kids on Ebay and instead wished they were all mine (not just the two I arrived there with).
Washed someone else's dishes.
Got a few precious moments to spend talking to an amazing man.
Went to the doctor.
Yanked the ex's chain for a few minutes.
Got the best hugs in the whole world.
Discussed a December wedding and all the fabulous stuff I could do to make it AWESOME.
Discussed our upcoming vacation weekend with the Tiny Terrorists.
Found a $50 gift card and took the Tiny Terrorists shopping (the shopping was planned all week, the gift card was a nice surprise).
Spent $42 on outfits for me and the girls (mostly them) and $8 on dinner.
Saw the CUTEST TINY dog and thought of D.
Laughed and laughed and laughed and smiled.
Wished it didn't have to end.