Past Lives...
My sister and I were discussing reincarnation and past lives yesterday. I do belive that
incomplete thought... to be finished later...
Saturday, March 08, 2003
House Full Of Kids = Barrel Full Of Monkeys
Whew... busy me. I worked yesterday, not to long and the sales were not that great. *sigh* Hubby's last day of work was yesterday also, he and his work mates went to a bar after work and hung out for a while. Eh, what the hell, I'd want to drink copious amounts after getting laid off too (he only had 2 beers though).
My nephew is spending the weekend with us. I love him to death. My sister needs a break. He's 17 (and knows EVERYTHING) and he loves to push her buttons (on a regular, daily basis). With D's husband having colon cancer (not sure how bad it is or what stage or anything yet), him getting ready for surgery on Tuesday, his parents coming in for the surgery (they are there now), D needed some down time. Actually she needs a lot. I wish she and I could go do some fun things - flea market, oriental market, muesum, dumpster diving, anything really. (I really have to work right now, so my time is really limited.) I had a little talk with D's son, about how he needs to be less disrespectful to his mother, etc., etc. and how I didn't understand why he does it, he's never like that to me or my hubby. He said he knew. *sigh* Hate to say it, but the sooner he goes into the army the better. I'll miss him terribly, but D doesn't need the extra stress and it will be better for him to be away so he doesn't say something that he WILL regret later.
yesterday my nephew watched my kids while I worked, my sister called and asked him if he needed help - then just decided to come up and help. It was a good thing, Cabbage Patch baby had a poopy diaper and nephew was not sure what to do. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!
Anyway - It's wild around here right now, the girls love their cousin, it's cute to see him with them. he makes up songs for them while he plays the gutiar.
Whew... busy me. I worked yesterday, not to long and the sales were not that great. *sigh* Hubby's last day of work was yesterday also, he and his work mates went to a bar after work and hung out for a while. Eh, what the hell, I'd want to drink copious amounts after getting laid off too (he only had 2 beers though).
My nephew is spending the weekend with us. I love him to death. My sister needs a break. He's 17 (and knows EVERYTHING) and he loves to push her buttons (on a regular, daily basis). With D's husband having colon cancer (not sure how bad it is or what stage or anything yet), him getting ready for surgery on Tuesday, his parents coming in for the surgery (they are there now), D needed some down time. Actually she needs a lot. I wish she and I could go do some fun things - flea market, oriental market, muesum, dumpster diving, anything really. (I really have to work right now, so my time is really limited.) I had a little talk with D's son, about how he needs to be less disrespectful to his mother, etc., etc. and how I didn't understand why he does it, he's never like that to me or my hubby. He said he knew. *sigh* Hate to say it, but the sooner he goes into the army the better. I'll miss him terribly, but D doesn't need the extra stress and it will be better for him to be away so he doesn't say something that he WILL regret later.
yesterday my nephew watched my kids while I worked, my sister called and asked him if he needed help - then just decided to come up and help. It was a good thing, Cabbage Patch baby had a poopy diaper and nephew was not sure what to do. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!
Anyway - It's wild around here right now, the girls love their cousin, it's cute to see him with them. he makes up songs for them while he plays the gutiar.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Waffling About Breakfast
I don't really do breakfast. I used to... but nothing fancy, just cereal with a bananna and milk. I don't do that anymore, somthing about throwing that up while pregnant turned me off to that. Sometimes I'll eat cereal, but not often. Oatmeal, I like oatmeal, but only the way I cook it and with butter and honey or brown sugar. I'm not really big on breakfast foods - donuts are ok, but I don't really want them more than once or twice a year... and I really like them more for a snack than for breakfast. I do like eggs, just scrambled and hard boiled and the occasional omlet. I don't really like sweet pasteries or pop tarts much, and I don't like fruit all that much either - mellons are gross, oranges are too acidic, banannas only occasionally, berries are fine, but hard to get good ones at the store... anyway... I do like waffles. No, no, no... I LOVE waffles. My kids love waffles also. So I have no problems with making waffles for them most days. I have a waffle iron and a favorite recipe. I love to make waffles. And I LOVE to eat them. My favorite is a nice hot waffle with lots of butter and just a touch of syrup or honey - not much syrup though, even no syrup just butter. mmmmm... love them. Anyway my oldest wanted waffles this morning, but I gave up extra carbs for lent... so I knew I could NOT make waffles and only eat one. Hmmm... what to do... so I convince her that pancakes are a good alternative - and I put raisins in them - I don't like cooked raisins - so I wouldn't eat them. The funny thing is, the pancake recipe is almost the same as the waffle recipe, but the kids didn't eat as much of them. Waffles, they always finish completly, but these pancakes, they only ate half of (but Dusty, hubby's cat loved them). hehehehe... funny thing is that I don't like pancakes as much as waffles. maybe it's genetic.
I don't really do breakfast. I used to... but nothing fancy, just cereal with a bananna and milk. I don't do that anymore, somthing about throwing that up while pregnant turned me off to that. Sometimes I'll eat cereal, but not often. Oatmeal, I like oatmeal, but only the way I cook it and with butter and honey or brown sugar. I'm not really big on breakfast foods - donuts are ok, but I don't really want them more than once or twice a year... and I really like them more for a snack than for breakfast. I do like eggs, just scrambled and hard boiled and the occasional omlet. I don't really like sweet pasteries or pop tarts much, and I don't like fruit all that much either - mellons are gross, oranges are too acidic, banannas only occasionally, berries are fine, but hard to get good ones at the store... anyway... I do like waffles. No, no, no... I LOVE waffles. My kids love waffles also. So I have no problems with making waffles for them most days. I have a waffle iron and a favorite recipe. I love to make waffles. And I LOVE to eat them. My favorite is a nice hot waffle with lots of butter and just a touch of syrup or honey - not much syrup though, even no syrup just butter. mmmmm... love them. Anyway my oldest wanted waffles this morning, but I gave up extra carbs for lent... so I knew I could NOT make waffles and only eat one. Hmmm... what to do... so I convince her that pancakes are a good alternative - and I put raisins in them - I don't like cooked raisins - so I wouldn't eat them. The funny thing is, the pancake recipe is almost the same as the waffle recipe, but the kids didn't eat as much of them. Waffles, they always finish completly, but these pancakes, they only ate half of (but Dusty, hubby's cat loved them). hehehehe... funny thing is that I don't like pancakes as much as waffles. maybe it's genetic.
3XThursday 3/6/2k3 - Judy's Answers : The First Rule of Book Club (Questions by Jake)
1. What is the last book you read? What did you think about it?
The last book I read was Desperation by Stephen King, a very good book, it was kind of a companion book to The Regulators (which was pretty good, but not as good as Desperation). I had not read a Stephen King novel in years so I was a bit surprised that I was picking up one to read.
2. What were the last three books that you bought? I have a $20 gift check to What should I get?
Last three that I bought... Hubby and I buy a lot of books, we are both nerds, so I'll try to remember... also we switched to checking books out from the library about 5 or 6 months ago to cut down on book buying costs. OK, the last three books - The Hobbit, Feng Shui New Perspectives and a book on tarot. what would I recommend? Well I really love a good true crime novel so I'd recommend that, or maybe recommend a classic Sci fi novel - something by Heinlein, nothing to heavy, maybe The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - great political commentary.
3. Have you ever read any books that changed your life?
Yes many books have. Stephen King's Dead Zone and Cujo made me afraid of closets. Heinlein's little known, Podkane of Mars helped me find courage to be more outgoing. There are many others, I find a really good book touches me and changes my perspective on things sometimes in only a small way, sometimes in a big way. I read so much, books, magazines, online news stories... I learn something from everything I read.
Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think it is wrong to pirate books, video games and music that is no longer being printed or pressed?
Hmmm... I'm kind of mixed on that. I do think that pirating books, games and music is wrong, but if the particular item is out of print then, I don't know. ...
1. What is the last book you read? What did you think about it?
The last book I read was Desperation by Stephen King, a very good book, it was kind of a companion book to The Regulators (which was pretty good, but not as good as Desperation). I had not read a Stephen King novel in years so I was a bit surprised that I was picking up one to read.
2. What were the last three books that you bought? I have a $20 gift check to What should I get?
Last three that I bought... Hubby and I buy a lot of books, we are both nerds, so I'll try to remember... also we switched to checking books out from the library about 5 or 6 months ago to cut down on book buying costs. OK, the last three books - The Hobbit, Feng Shui New Perspectives and a book on tarot. what would I recommend? Well I really love a good true crime novel so I'd recommend that, or maybe recommend a classic Sci fi novel - something by Heinlein, nothing to heavy, maybe The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - great political commentary.
3. Have you ever read any books that changed your life?
Yes many books have. Stephen King's Dead Zone and Cujo made me afraid of closets. Heinlein's little known, Podkane of Mars helped me find courage to be more outgoing. There are many others, I find a really good book touches me and changes my perspective on things sometimes in only a small way, sometimes in a big way. I read so much, books, magazines, online news stories... I learn something from everything I read.
Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think it is wrong to pirate books, video games and music that is no longer being printed or pressed?
Hmmm... I'm kind of mixed on that. I do think that pirating books, games and music is wrong, but if the particular item is out of print then, I don't know. ...
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Writings Of The Intelectual Swine
Sir Lee's Blog, is one of the other barn yard animals blogging. Way to funny. The pig is British. hehehehe... gotta love it.
Sir Lee's Blog, is one of the other barn yard animals blogging. Way to funny. The pig is British. hehehehe... gotta love it.
Blogging Cows...
I saw this on someone else's page. I had to write about this since I have a great affection for cows and cow things (hence my enormous cow and cow thing collection). Raging Cow Blog apparently this is some advertising thing for Dr. Pepper's new drink - some flavored milk thing. I don't care, I love the cow. This is funny. A cow with a blog. HAHAHAHAHA! I guess the funniest thing is that someone came up with this idea for a traveling cow who blogs about her travels, and a bunch of ad execs ok this. Can you imaging trying to pitch that idea? It's insane and ironic... I ironic because someone got PAID to think up this for an ad campaign! I have to wonder what the guy who thought this up was thinking - I mean was he serious or was he like "Well damn I don't have shit, been up all freaking night long, can't come up with shit, OK, I'll just suggest a traveling cow with her blog... they might fire me but at least I'll get a laugh on the way out." Insane. Someone has put so much work into the cow's blog - why can't I be paid to write crap like that! Why? Why? Why?!!!!
I saw this on someone else's page. I had to write about this since I have a great affection for cows and cow things (hence my enormous cow and cow thing collection). Raging Cow Blog apparently this is some advertising thing for Dr. Pepper's new drink - some flavored milk thing. I don't care, I love the cow. This is funny. A cow with a blog. HAHAHAHAHA! I guess the funniest thing is that someone came up with this idea for a traveling cow who blogs about her travels, and a bunch of ad execs ok this. Can you imaging trying to pitch that idea? It's insane and ironic... I ironic because someone got PAID to think up this for an ad campaign! I have to wonder what the guy who thought this up was thinking - I mean was he serious or was he like "Well damn I don't have shit, been up all freaking night long, can't come up with shit, OK, I'll just suggest a traveling cow with her blog... they might fire me but at least I'll get a laugh on the way out." Insane. Someone has put so much work into the cow's blog - why can't I be paid to write crap like that! Why? Why? Why?!!!!
A - I think L and your mom and your brother are right, you should stop obsessing about the light. You have enough going on in your life right now, you don't need to be worried about a possible intruder or a ghost (I vote ghost). L and your brother may be right, you might have just imagined/dreamed the whole thing. I know that there have been times when I was deeply stressed that I would have very vivid realistic dreams that left me wondering if things really did happen. Take a deep breath, have some herbal tea, think of something nice and wonderful, close your eyes and relax for a few minutes. Call me if you need to.
So today is Ash Wednesday, the beggining of the season of Lent. I decided to give up bread, pasta and junk food for Lent. I've been meaning to do this, but have just kept making excuses. And I need to do this, I've gained 12 lbs since Christmas. Damn. I figure I can manage to abstain from bread, pasta and junk food for 40 days. Our pastor once explained giving up something you like a lot for Lent as a reminder of what Jesus gave up for us. Bread, pasta and junk food don't even come close to what Jesus gave up for me, but everytime I really want a roll or a big bowl of pasta and a coke, I'll be able to say "No, this is the least I can do since Christ died for me." I know, sounds sappy but it makes sense to me.
So today is Ash Wednesday, the beggining of the season of Lent. I decided to give up bread, pasta and junk food for Lent. I've been meaning to do this, but have just kept making excuses. And I need to do this, I've gained 12 lbs since Christmas. Damn. I figure I can manage to abstain from bread, pasta and junk food for 40 days. Our pastor once explained giving up something you like a lot for Lent as a reminder of what Jesus gave up for us. Bread, pasta and junk food don't even come close to what Jesus gave up for me, but everytime I really want a roll or a big bowl of pasta and a coke, I'll be able to say "No, this is the least I can do since Christ died for me." I know, sounds sappy but it makes sense to me.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Breaking NEWS!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Today Sponge is BACK on the market!! WOOHOOO! That is my FAVORITE contraseptive! Today Sponge Story
OMG! OMG! OMG! Today Sponge is BACK on the market!! WOOHOOO! That is my FAVORITE contraseptive! Today Sponge Story
A - I think I'd rather think it was a ghost who turned off the lights or that I'd been suffering from some delusional state and just dreamed the light was on, rather than think it was some intruder who turned on or off the light or what ever reason (honestly it's not likely it was an intruder fooling with the lights).
Cool Geekie Things...
I figured since my snail was found and he was kind enough to come out and socialize or a bit, I would check on the internet for what snails eat. A few pages say they eat vegetables - leaves of lettuce. so I go get him a little salad and put him on it. He came out, and is eating now! I wonder if he'd like some salad dressing next time. ;o)
I figured since my snail was found and he was kind enough to come out and socialize or a bit, I would check on the internet for what snails eat. A few pages say they eat vegetables - leaves of lettuce. so I go get him a little salad and put him on it. He came out, and is eating now! I wonder if he'd like some salad dressing next time. ;o)
Missing Pet Found On Ledge!
Well about a month or so ago, one of my pets went missing. I have had a low level search for him in the time he's been gone - although I haven't mentioned it, I have been very worried about the whereabouts of Bob The Snail. But today while cleaning the kitchen, I found Bob behind the faucet. I returned him to his home in the plant. then in an uncharacteristic social display, he slimed around on my hand - this is a first, he generally hides in his shell. the little people were fasicinated that he was out. hehehehe.... they were cute. Pictures later.
Well about a month or so ago, one of my pets went missing. I have had a low level search for him in the time he's been gone - although I haven't mentioned it, I have been very worried about the whereabouts of Bob The Snail. But today while cleaning the kitchen, I found Bob behind the faucet. I returned him to his home in the plant. then in an uncharacteristic social display, he slimed around on my hand - this is a first, he generally hides in his shell. the little people were fasicinated that he was out. hehehehe.... they were cute. Pictures later.

Monday, March 03, 2003
Reason To Celebrate?
I have been a fish owner for ONE year today. My One Year Fishie Anniversary. I just realized it the other day, going through some old e-mails (I was looking for something) and I saw one where I was bitching about the sound of the air filter thingie on the tank. Out of 3 fish, I still have one goldfish. Amazing. I didn't expect to still be a fish owner 4 months after buying them! Spike killed his tank mates, I think he was more determined to live.... or just evil and won't die. Last night we went over to hubby's brother's house. I saw my next fish. brother in law has a big big tank and he has this big fish that bullies the other fish out of the right side of the tank. I am going to get my sisters old fish tank (all her fish perished a while back) and take custody of the big bully fish... and we'll see who takes dominance in the tank... Spike or Butch (that's what I'll call the big bully fish). I'll have an Extreme Fish Tank! They'll battle for dominance until only one can be alpha fish. I can't wait. hehehehehe... I know, I need help.
I have been a fish owner for ONE year today. My One Year Fishie Anniversary. I just realized it the other day, going through some old e-mails (I was looking for something) and I saw one where I was bitching about the sound of the air filter thingie on the tank. Out of 3 fish, I still have one goldfish. Amazing. I didn't expect to still be a fish owner 4 months after buying them! Spike killed his tank mates, I think he was more determined to live.... or just evil and won't die. Last night we went over to hubby's brother's house. I saw my next fish. brother in law has a big big tank and he has this big fish that bullies the other fish out of the right side of the tank. I am going to get my sisters old fish tank (all her fish perished a while back) and take custody of the big bully fish... and we'll see who takes dominance in the tank... Spike or Butch (that's what I'll call the big bully fish). I'll have an Extreme Fish Tank! They'll battle for dominance until only one can be alpha fish. I can't wait. hehehehehe... I know, I need help.
Which Bunny Am I?

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
hehehehe... seems appropriate. ;o)

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
hehehehe... seems appropriate. ;o)
OK, Can I Whine For a Moment?
Well, yeah of course I can, this is my weblog. So here goes.
I work all weekend, I go in at 8 am and I get off when I'm done with my work, not at any set time. So Saturday I go in at 8 am and I get off at 5:30 pm. I know, doesn't sound too bad. Let me explain my day. I go to my first hospital, I go from room to room pushing my big ole' photo cart to take the baby pictures in. When I finish there, I go to the next hospital and do it all over again, and IF there is time I go to the third hospital on my way home. It's a lot of fun and it's a very busy job. AND I don't sit down the whole time I'm there. I walk from room to room pushing my cart, I stand while I take baby pictures and make sales, I don't get to sit and I don't get breaks or a lunch hour - I don't mind, I work commision so if I'm working, I'm making money and if I keep moving I don't have a chance to get bored. It doesn't sound like much, but at the end of the day I'm tired, physically tired. The last thing I want to do is come home to make dinner or clean house. Hubby usually makes dinner (frozen pizza many times. hehehehe) but the house cleaning... well that doesn't happen. So by Monday morning the house is a mess, he's off to work and I get to spend the whole morning getting the house cleaned - and this wonderful morning I got to spend 30 minutes cleaning food spill marks off the carpet. *sigh* He damn well better find a full time job quick or I may commit murder..... grrr....
Ok, all done whineing... have this craving for cheese now... wonder why... ;o)
Well, yeah of course I can, this is my weblog. So here goes.
I work all weekend, I go in at 8 am and I get off when I'm done with my work, not at any set time. So Saturday I go in at 8 am and I get off at 5:30 pm. I know, doesn't sound too bad. Let me explain my day. I go to my first hospital, I go from room to room pushing my big ole' photo cart to take the baby pictures in. When I finish there, I go to the next hospital and do it all over again, and IF there is time I go to the third hospital on my way home. It's a lot of fun and it's a very busy job. AND I don't sit down the whole time I'm there. I walk from room to room pushing my cart, I stand while I take baby pictures and make sales, I don't get to sit and I don't get breaks or a lunch hour - I don't mind, I work commision so if I'm working, I'm making money and if I keep moving I don't have a chance to get bored. It doesn't sound like much, but at the end of the day I'm tired, physically tired. The last thing I want to do is come home to make dinner or clean house. Hubby usually makes dinner (frozen pizza many times. hehehehe) but the house cleaning... well that doesn't happen. So by Monday morning the house is a mess, he's off to work and I get to spend the whole morning getting the house cleaned - and this wonderful morning I got to spend 30 minutes cleaning food spill marks off the carpet. *sigh* He damn well better find a full time job quick or I may commit murder..... grrr....
Ok, all done whineing... have this craving for cheese now... wonder why... ;o)
Roccia Intitolata Di Movies! Subtitled Movies Rock!
Super girl started flipping the channels on the television a few minutes ago, looking for other cartoons to watch *sheesh* she has decided she wants instead to watch a very over acted Italian (I think) subtitled movie - she can't even read! it's an old black and white movie - I think Anthony Quinn is it it. hehehehe... silly girl.
Super girl started flipping the channels on the television a few minutes ago, looking for other cartoons to watch *sheesh* she has decided she wants instead to watch a very over acted Italian (I think) subtitled movie - she can't even read! it's an old black and white movie - I think Anthony Quinn is it it. hehehehe... silly girl.
I must be giving off powerful peheromones. Within the past week I've had several guys from my past call me to get together. *sigh* This would be cool if I really wanted to get with any of them... but... theres a reason they are in my 'past'. Mostly because they are lame in bed... or I just can't stand to be around them! hehehehe... I know that makes me sound really shallow.... But most are unsuitable for 'relationships' and a girl's got needs, not all of them can be reached with something battery powered... so I have my booty-call boys. I know, I know, 'shallow, lame, slutty', well when I meet someone worth having a relationship with, I'll stop all this... and really it's not like I have a new guy for every night, I have one person I see rather infrequently - it's just for booty-calls though. Anyway, most of these guys who are calling, I haven't heard from in like a year or so. And I wasn't really missing them... One of them is so bad in bed, I would fake an orgasm just to get him to get it over with. No no that's a lie... most of them I would just fake it get it over with. Not all of them... and not all the time... it sucks when it's really good to start with, then the next time it's just ok, and the next time your thinking "Shit, get it over with so I can get home to my vibrator." Then you just start making excuses when they call. I mean I am always willing to give a guy a second chance, but when a guy doesn't even try to make it happen for you... well that just sucks. Anyway... they are calling... and I wish they wouldn't.... *sigh* I need a new boyfriend...
I must be giving off powerful peheromones. Within the past week I've had several guys from my past call me to get together. *sigh* This would be cool if I really wanted to get with any of them... but... theres a reason they are in my 'past'. Mostly because they are lame in bed... or I just can't stand to be around them! hehehehe... I know that makes me sound really shallow.... But most are unsuitable for 'relationships' and a girl's got needs, not all of them can be reached with something battery powered... so I have my booty-call boys. I know, I know, 'shallow, lame, slutty', well when I meet someone worth having a relationship with, I'll stop all this... and really it's not like I have a new guy for every night, I have one person I see rather infrequently - it's just for booty-calls though. Anyway, most of these guys who are calling, I haven't heard from in like a year or so. And I wasn't really missing them... One of them is so bad in bed, I would fake an orgasm just to get him to get it over with. No no that's a lie... most of them I would just fake it get it over with. Not all of them... and not all the time... it sucks when it's really good to start with, then the next time it's just ok, and the next time your thinking "Shit, get it over with so I can get home to my vibrator." Then you just start making excuses when they call. I mean I am always willing to give a guy a second chance, but when a guy doesn't even try to make it happen for you... well that just sucks. Anyway... they are calling... and I wish they wouldn't.... *sigh* I need a new boyfriend...
Sunday, March 02, 2003
Busy Weekend
I have been busting ass at work - which is good. I need the money. After hubby get's laid off this Friday, I'll be picking up more hours at work until he gets a job. I'll miss being with my kids, but having a job I love so much will make it a little better. I'll hate having to come home and clean house - hubby is a slob and not very good at keeping the little people from making huge messes. *sigh* Gotta do what you gotta do though.
Military Thoughts
I just got word that my cousin has been activated and will report for duty March 11th. *sigh* The good thing is that he will most likely stay stateside - he does training.
A friend from another weblog is probably going to be activated very soon also.
Everyone, keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers (regardless of your stand on the politics).
Strength and Resolve
I've been thinking about my sister a lot today. I'm in awe of how she is handle the is situation with her husband. Not that I'm surprised that she's not hysterical, but because I know she's such a strong willed individual that she CAN handle this. Our family for some fucked up reason doesn't give her the credit she deserves. She handles these situations better than most people. Definitly better than I do. When our mother was diagnosed with cancer, I fell apart, eventhough I KNEW she had it - I was in shock that it had spread so much. D, took it very stoicly, listened carefully, asked questions. She comforted me. She pushed mom into looking for treatment options. She was a driving force. For some reason our disfunctional family acts like D falls apart when any medical crisis happens like that. She doesn't, she never has, doubt she ever will. That's me. I do get very emotional when first faced with something like a possible terminal illness... I guess it's my sense of helplessness. I'm great in an actual crisis that needs imediate attention, just not so good in the other. Right now I feel very helpless knowing that there really is not anything for me to do but pray.
D- you amaze me with your strength. Don't forget that I'm here for you... for whatever you need.
I have been busting ass at work - which is good. I need the money. After hubby get's laid off this Friday, I'll be picking up more hours at work until he gets a job. I'll miss being with my kids, but having a job I love so much will make it a little better. I'll hate having to come home and clean house - hubby is a slob and not very good at keeping the little people from making huge messes. *sigh* Gotta do what you gotta do though.
Military Thoughts
I just got word that my cousin has been activated and will report for duty March 11th. *sigh* The good thing is that he will most likely stay stateside - he does training.
A friend from another weblog is probably going to be activated very soon also.
Everyone, keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers (regardless of your stand on the politics).
Strength and Resolve
I've been thinking about my sister a lot today. I'm in awe of how she is handle the is situation with her husband. Not that I'm surprised that she's not hysterical, but because I know she's such a strong willed individual that she CAN handle this. Our family for some fucked up reason doesn't give her the credit she deserves. She handles these situations better than most people. Definitly better than I do. When our mother was diagnosed with cancer, I fell apart, eventhough I KNEW she had it - I was in shock that it had spread so much. D, took it very stoicly, listened carefully, asked questions. She comforted me. She pushed mom into looking for treatment options. She was a driving force. For some reason our disfunctional family acts like D falls apart when any medical crisis happens like that. She doesn't, she never has, doubt she ever will. That's me. I do get very emotional when first faced with something like a possible terminal illness... I guess it's my sense of helplessness. I'm great in an actual crisis that needs imediate attention, just not so good in the other. Right now I feel very helpless knowing that there really is not anything for me to do but pray.
D- you amaze me with your strength. Don't forget that I'm here for you... for whatever you need.
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