Thursday, March 06, 2003

3XThursday 3/6/2k3 - Judy's Answers : The First Rule of Book Club (Questions by Jake)

1. What is the last book you read? What did you think about it?
The last book I read was Desperation by Stephen King, a very good book, it was kind of a companion book to The Regulators (which was pretty good, but not as good as Desperation). I had not read a Stephen King novel in years so I was a bit surprised that I was picking up one to read.

2. What were the last three books that you bought? I have a $20 gift check to What should I get?
Last three that I bought... Hubby and I buy a lot of books, we are both nerds, so I'll try to remember... also we switched to checking books out from the library about 5 or 6 months ago to cut down on book buying costs. OK, the last three books - The Hobbit, Feng Shui New Perspectives and a book on tarot. what would I recommend? Well I really love a good true crime novel so I'd recommend that, or maybe recommend a classic Sci fi novel - something by Heinlein, nothing to heavy, maybe The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - great political commentary.

3. Have you ever read any books that changed your life?
Yes many books have. Stephen King's Dead Zone and Cujo made me afraid of closets. Heinlein's little known, Podkane of Mars helped me find courage to be more outgoing. There are many others, I find a really good book touches me and changes my perspective on things sometimes in only a small way, sometimes in a big way. I read so much, books, magazines, online news stories... I learn something from everything I read.

Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think it is wrong to pirate books, video games and music that is no longer being printed or pressed?
Hmmm... I'm kind of mixed on that. I do think that pirating books, games and music is wrong, but if the particular item is out of print then, I don't know. ...

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