Friday, February 21, 2003

Important Things...

OK, my family is going through a lot of stress right now, if anyone reading could spare some prayers and possitive thoughts I know everyone would appreciate them.

First - My brother in law is very ill and the Dr.s don't know what it is, but one of the things it could be is colon cancer. Brother in law is young - just a few months younger than me (31). He's been going for test for quite a while and next week he goes for a really big one, hopefully the ONE that will diagnose him. So please pray that it isn't cancer and that it will clear up quickly.

Second - My husband get's laid off on March 7th. Pleas pray for the obvious, that he finds a good job soon that has good benefits.

Third - my nephew is about to graduate from High School (early) and will be joining the army. I'm excedingly proud of him and nervous for him as well.

Forth - a good friend of mine is having some major financial issues.

Fifth - I need some excitement in my life! I need a new, fabulous boyfriend! OK, I probably don't NEED one, but it would be nice. If you don't want to pray for that.... I'll understand. :o)
Need A New Subject...

Yeah I know, I've been talking about my kids to damn much lately, I'm sure that's not very interesting to ya'll.

On to another subject. Hubby saw an article about a bill that's been introduced to the house legistature. It's a bill to ban gays and lesbians from adopting in Texas. What next? A bill to take children from GLB parents? Sheesh. Texas law makers are so backwards.

I urge anyone who lives in Texas to take a few moments to write your congress person.
Funny Kid

the littlest, Cabbage Patch, was funny yesterday. She fell down, started crying, I picked her up and she said "Po baby!" hehehehe I have a habit of saying "Poor baby!" when she hurts her self. She's so cute.
Well At Least It Was Something Different!

Yesterday the toilet, today the carpet. The morning Super Girl (that's what the oldest has dubbed herself) poured BLUE nail polish on the stairs. Uggh... I got the little blue hand print cleaned off the wall, and the blue smears off the rail, and much of the spot up from the carpet but not all of it. *sigh* have to get more nail polish remover and try again.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

What a Way To Start Day!

As usual the little people come into my room and bounce on the bed telling me they want breakfast. *sheesh* you'd think I was their mother or something.... oh, I am... never mind. So anyway - I get out of bed and go to the bathroom... the toilet over flows... everywhere (hmmmm I bet it had something to do with the little people flushing half a roll of tp down the toilet the night before - no that wasn't on the roll - they were kind enough to remove it from the roll first). Damn... so I send the oldest little person upstairs to get the plunger out of daddy's bathroom and throw towels down to soak up the mess. She comes back with plunger, I send her off for more towels... then more towels... and more... *sigh* so I had this icky wet mess to clean up. the upside to all of this? My bathroom is now super spiffy clean and all of my towels are too! hehe
I Am An Artist!!! (of bread)

This is a snow man - at least thats what the little person who made it said it was. ;o)

This is all of them, along the bottom row it's a turtle, a bunny and a cat. :o)

I had fun making this, the little people are having fun eating them.

Be Careful What You Say...

The oldest of the little people is very funny. She's at the stage that she takes things very literally and repeats things that are said to her. And often at inopertune moments. The other day she was being a brat (actually that's quite frequent at this age), throwing a fit in the car, saying "I want candy!" (she saw that we bought some at the store and wanted it NOW.) me being the good mommy that I am, didn't want her to have it at that very moment. She continued to say "I want candy!" so I started saying "I want a million dollars!" Eventually that amused her and she stoped bitching. Just a few minutes ago she said "Momma, give me million dollars." To which I replied "I don't have a million dollars." then she asked "why?" hehehehe... good question... why don't I have a million dollars? I think I deserve it. I'm totally worth a million dollars - at the VERY least. ;o)

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Didn't Happen After All...

I went to the ortho to get debanded this morning, but it didn't happen, the orthodontist wants to do a little more work, he says that it will take about 2 months. He's being cool about things, not charging me - which is good, because I've been the worlds worst patient. I was embarassed that he made such a fuss that I came in. *sigh* Well I have to go back at 5 pm to get the top wire put back on and the bridge - they are doing adjustments right now.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Can People Really Change That Much?...

Something strange happened this weekend. We had a game... no that's not the strange part, that is normal, we have games twice a month... anyway, we had some new players... no, that's not the strange thing either, we have new players a lot... anyway one new guy was will and he brough his little boy with him - the little boy is about 3 months younger than my oldest, and they played together. The little boy is really smart also, he can spell and count already, he was way beyond my little one. He was a sweet little boy too. Anyway after everyone left, hubby and I were talking about the game and the new people. Hubby said "and you even got along with Jesse." I looked at him like he was crazy. Then he says "Wil? Jesse? You got along with him." I was shocked! I didn't realize Wil and Jesse were the same person. Let me explain. Before we got married, hubby had some friends who he gamed with, well our gaming groups merged. One of the people from his group was Jesse. I could not stand Jesse. He was a moron. One time he got a ride to come to a game, then at the end of the game he says "I don't have a ride home. Can somebody give me a ride?" Sheesh.... One of our friends who is to nice for his own good drove dumbass home. Anyway, Jesse was just plain stupid, the kind of stupid that would make me nervous that he was out crossing the street by himself. Hubby told me a month or so ago that Pete still talked to Jesse and that Jesse now went by Wil and that he was married, yadda, yadda, yadda. I didn't care. I never liked Jesse and didn't want shit to do with him. Anyway, the person who was here on Saturday night was nothing like that other person. This guy didn't even look like Jesse (he had gained about 50 lbs) and he didn't seem so damn stupid either. How is that possible? I mean how is it possible for someone's IQ to increase this late in life? To gain basic common sense? I'm confused and not completly sure it wasn't the work of aliens.

Take the test, by Emily.

Food, Food, Food

I love to cook, I've been in a cooking mood lately. Yesterday I cooked pasta sauce with meat balls for todays dinner, chicken and vegetable soup for another night and smothered chicken breasts with mashed taters, salad and artichokes for latst nights dinner.
Yesterday's Adventures With The Little People

Ahhhh yesterday...... a day that was as trying as it was entertaining.

Here is how it went:

The kids sleep untill 8 am - which is rare - I make them a scrumptious breakfast of breakfast tacos - they both love tortillas. About 10 am my best friend from high school calls, we talk for about 5 minutes, during this time the little people go upstairs to play in their room (so they say), about half way through my phone call the oldest comes down and gets the broom. I tell her to leave the broom in the kitchen, she says she needs to sweep, I ask what, get a vague answer (should have been my clue that something was wrong), I tell her again to put the broom away, she continues up the stairs, pretending not to hear me. I get off the phone and head up stairs - I know that having the broom upstairs is not a good idea. As I reach the top of the stairs I see that she and her little cohort (sister) have poured the brand new container of cat litter all over the landing. Grrrr.... I tell them both to go sit on their bed so I can clean this up. 10 minutes of cleaning and funneling the cat litter back into the container later, I take both children downstairs for a much needed bath. I hope in and get bathed with them (ah such is the life of a busy mom, never a private bath). The kids get water all over the floor so I get out, wrap in a towel, throw down the other towels to dry the floor and go to the laundry room to get a couple more towels. On my return I see the oldest standing in the bath tub pouring something. I ask her what she's doing - no answer. I get closer. I see what it is. The brand new bottle of baby shampoo. AAAAAAAA!!! Mommy is angry now... or should I say AGAIN. Get the kids out of the tub, dried off and dressed. I tell the oldest that mommy is angry that she poured out that bottle of shampoo and not to do that again. Lunch then nap time. the littlest of the little people always goes down half an hour before the big one as the big one invariably wakes the little one and plays for a couple of hours. So I put the big one to bed 30 minutes later, in her daddy's room. Tell her to STAY in bed and GO to sleep. About 1:30 pm I hear her messing around with stuff, and the baby making noise... so up I go.... She's in her and her sisters room, she's poured the cat litter out on the floor AGAIN. AND she messed up her daddy's room. I clean up the cat litter... again. Close daddy's door. Put her in her bed - theaten her life ;o) and take the baby down stairs. She sleeps finally.

Later, daddy comes home. I tell him that the big one messed up his room. he goes up to change and comes down VERY angry. Seems the little one did more than just take the sheets and blankets off his bed. She poured out the new bottle of TUMS, poured out all the carpet fresh and ALL of his lube... all together. He was quite pissed.

Today, she's not getting to go upstairs with out momma. *sigh*
Cold Ducks Went Hungry.

The Duck Feeding Party that was planned for my oldest's birthday didn't happen. I had been a little worried about the weather as a cold front had moved in. The begining of last week (when I started planning the lake party) the forcast said it would be cloudy and 54. Well as it got closer to Sunday the temperature started to drop. Sunday morning I left the house at 8 am to go to work - as usual - well it was snowing! ICK! Nothing was sticking to the roads, but there was snow in the bushes and grass - and MY CAR. Grrr... so I had to clean off my car before I left. The wind kept blowing all day and the temperatures didn't get out of the low 40's. The party was moved into our town house. Which worked out just fine, 2 of the kids who were supposed to come were sick, so it was just my little people and their cousin. The little people had fun, grandma and grandpa came as well as an Aunt. My poor little one, it sucks to have a February birthday here in Texas - you NEVER know what the weather will be like. Her first b-day it was WARM, the second it turned COLD that very day, her third she was EVIL hehehe and this one it was COLD and WINDY.

Well I need to go now, gotta head off to the store before naps, have just been waiting for it to warm up a bit.
Why? Why? Why?

Why do kids work so hard to piss off their siblings? I ask this because my oldest seems to take great pride in this ability, which always causes the little one to shriek and cry, and for me to have to interven. But inevitably just a few minutes after such an incident, the little one is right back with the big one. It's a never ending cycle.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

L - I love the apartment! That is soooo beautiful. And your flowers are quite pretty as well. And a note on the flowers... Just because there are red roses in the arangement does not mean there are any implied romantic/sexual intentions from the boss. Now if he gave you just red roses... well then I'd question him. Just accept them as what they are, a blatant suck up from the boss. :o) I used to have a boss who would get all the girls in the office a box of chocolates and take us all out for lunch on V-day. I personal would have rather had flowers as the chocolates were generally gone in a matter of minutes (it was a small box), but I still appreciated the thought. Anyway - sounds like your boss can be thoughtful from time to time. btw - is this the 'pale suede cowboy'?