Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Can People Really Change That Much?...

Something strange happened this weekend. We had a game... no that's not the strange part, that is normal, we have games twice a month... anyway, we had some new players... no, that's not the strange thing either, we have new players a lot... anyway one new guy was will and he brough his little boy with him - the little boy is about 3 months younger than my oldest, and they played together. The little boy is really smart also, he can spell and count already, he was way beyond my little one. He was a sweet little boy too. Anyway after everyone left, hubby and I were talking about the game and the new people. Hubby said "and you even got along with Jesse." I looked at him like he was crazy. Then he says "Wil? Jesse? You got along with him." I was shocked! I didn't realize Wil and Jesse were the same person. Let me explain. Before we got married, hubby had some friends who he gamed with, well our gaming groups merged. One of the people from his group was Jesse. I could not stand Jesse. He was a moron. One time he got a ride to come to a game, then at the end of the game he says "I don't have a ride home. Can somebody give me a ride?" Sheesh.... One of our friends who is to nice for his own good drove dumbass home. Anyway, Jesse was just plain stupid, the kind of stupid that would make me nervous that he was out crossing the street by himself. Hubby told me a month or so ago that Pete still talked to Jesse and that Jesse now went by Wil and that he was married, yadda, yadda, yadda. I didn't care. I never liked Jesse and didn't want shit to do with him. Anyway, the person who was here on Saturday night was nothing like that other person. This guy didn't even look like Jesse (he had gained about 50 lbs) and he didn't seem so damn stupid either. How is that possible? I mean how is it possible for someone's IQ to increase this late in life? To gain basic common sense? I'm confused and not completly sure it wasn't the work of aliens.

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