Thursday, February 20, 2003

Be Careful What You Say...

The oldest of the little people is very funny. She's at the stage that she takes things very literally and repeats things that are said to her. And often at inopertune moments. The other day she was being a brat (actually that's quite frequent at this age), throwing a fit in the car, saying "I want candy!" (she saw that we bought some at the store and wanted it NOW.) me being the good mommy that I am, didn't want her to have it at that very moment. She continued to say "I want candy!" so I started saying "I want a million dollars!" Eventually that amused her and she stoped bitching. Just a few minutes ago she said "Momma, give me million dollars." To which I replied "I don't have a million dollars." then she asked "why?" hehehehe... good question... why don't I have a million dollars? I think I deserve it. I'm totally worth a million dollars - at the VERY least. ;o)

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