Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tonight I Guaranteed My Spot In Hell

I colored Coco pink. Yes I really did color her pink. I wanted to do her bright hot pink but I first had to see if D would have a complete coronary when I did this. She’s cool with it, there were no death threats.

My tub is completely covered in pink dog hair. It looks like a herd of pink cats hacked up hair balls in my tub. Really special.

Coco now needs a hot pink tutu and hot pink toe nails. I’m really starting to enjoy dog sitting. Call me if you want me to watch your dog.

Pink Pooch!
My Perversion

I’m getting used to this driving into work thing. I’m spending much less of my morning commute time plotting random drivers painful deaths and more time just day dreaming and switching radio stations. In all this, I’ve discovered there is ONE thing that I TRULY enjoy. Parking my car! I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true. Why you may be asking? Because there are several people on the parking lot who are inconsiderate assholes when they park. Free parking is at a premium. SOME people feel the need to park over the lines and take up two spaces. This I find completely unacceptable, how freaking hard is it to PARK correctly??? Fine whatever, it now brings me great pleasure when I spy these people as I squeeze The Easy Bake Oven in that tiny little space next to them. It’s not like I’m worried about getting my car door dinged – how would I even notice??? Last week I parked next to the SAME offending car twice in a row – one day it was really tight as the cars on BOTH sides of me had parked with their tires just over the line. Oddly enough both cars have been parked right in the middle of the parking spaces from then on. Does that make me an asshole for doing that? Probably, but honestly no more of an asshole than they are for taking up two of the best parking spaces in the lot (shady spots). Besides it brings me much mirth.

Anyway… OFF to work! Enjoy YOUR day!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reports Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exagerated

Mostly anyway. I'm still alive, still working, just was offline from Friday until Monday evening so the BLOG suffered. So much to blog about! A fantastic trip to a FARM! A FABULOUS Mardi Gras party and a completly lazy Sunday! Woohoo! But it's 10:30 pm now and it has taken me an hour to upload photos. SOOOOOO I'll just leave you with these amazing photos from the Party and MAYBE I'll elaborate about them tomorrow.

One funny thing that did happen at the party was when I ran into a couple who obviously KNEW me but I had no fucking clue who the woman was, I started to figure out who the man was and thought maybe this was his NEW wife and wonder why the fuck she was talkign to me like she knew me and then the wife said "YOu don't know who I am do you?" and since I was drunk, I could not tell a lie and said NO! She said who she was and I was all "WTF? you look totally different!" and she was all "I lost like 100 poungs!" and I was all "Wow! And you went BLOND!" and well I looked like a total dumbass (as usual) but thankfully I was well into DRUNKVILLE so I didn't really care.

Okay, enjoy the photos of me getting progressivly drunker. I told K to cut me off at 8 (the last time I hit 10 I blacked out and spewed in a car) but he kept kept them coming until I hit 10 (no spewing or blacking out) but the last 2 photos of the night are WAY WAY scary.

Hooking on Burbon St.

I wasn't even drunk yet!

I like my drinks like I like my men... BIG and alchoholic... umm... well just half of that.

K likes his drinks like he likes his men... BIG and with a straw in them... um... forget that... I'm trying to.

Mmmmm Still drinking. (I think I was on 4 by then)

uh-oh... drunken chick with camera...


I was on drink # 8 or 9