Wednesday, June 04, 2003

What Was I Thinking?!?!?!?!

Yesterday I tried to take the little people to see Finding Nemo but all the tickets were sold out by the time we got there. *sigh* Super Girl takes after her father a lot - she's hard to get going. Anyway, I planned to take the little people to the first showing this morning at 11:10 am but I had 2 visits this morning and the second one ran longer than I had anticipated so we couldn't make that showing. The next showing was right at nap time, and although I DID consider taking them to the noon showing, that was a short lived consideration as they were BOTH acting mildly possessed so I opted for them to take naps instead. Super Girl got up from her nap with just enough time for us to make the 2:35 PM showing and we made it out of the house and to the theater with 10 minutes to spare... unfortunately there was a line already and all of the tickets for the 2:35 PM and the 4:00 PM showing were sold out. Yesterday when I told Super Girl that the tickets were sold out, she cried all the way home; I really didn't feel like dealing with that AGAIN today. I quickly scanned the marquee to see what else we could see that would be ok for a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. Daddy Daycare was the winner. We go in and start watching about 10 minutes in Super Girl informs me that she is thirsty. So out we all go to get drinks - I get the girls small drinks and popcorn, this appeases the natives for a short while. 20 minutes later Super Girl has to go to the bathroom. Out we all go to the bathroom. 20 more minutes and the kids are starting to be whiney. We've run out of popcorn, have no candy and the drinks are empty. I'm out of luck. Cabbage Patch starts screeching on and off and Super Girl says she has to go to the bathroom again. So... out we go again, this time I decide we won't go back in. Even though it's a matinee showing that only cost $2 a person, I think the other patrons have suffered enough at the little people’s hands. Super Girl does NOT have to go to the bathroom after all and gets VERY upset when I tell her that we are going HOME and not BACK to the movie. She whines about wanting to see Daddy Daycare, but too late it's time to go home.

NEVER AGAIN will I take my two children to see a movie by myself. That was insane.

My review of Daddy Daycare - cute movie.

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