Saturday, May 31, 2003

Saturday Already?

Damn... it's been such a busy week. I can't believe I haven't had a moment to write any nonsense on this page. Not that I haven't had things I wanted to write about - I just haven't had time! Let me see if I can summarize:

Memorial Day Weekend

I worked as usual - super busy at the hospitals. Memorial day I sleept. Sunday night we had friends over for hypnosis, munchies and board games. Hubby and I got into a disagreement about which Doritos are the original flavor. I say it's the Nacho Cheese flavor (red bag), he says it's the yellow bag which is just corn chips. I had requested the bag of chips so I could eat many chips on my car loading day (that's what I call the one day of the week that I don't count carbs). grrrr.... He did get Triscits and squeezy cheese. mmmmmm.... Peter and jenna also brought Triscits and squeezy cheese. Peter does cracker art... pornographic cracker art... I will post the picture a bit later. After the porn crackers the conversation of course went to SEX and we chatted for a couple of hours about sex (no subject of limits there!) that was interesting... very very interesting.

Tuesday I had my braces tightened. I spent over 2 hours with all this crap. I get to the office, the computer system of the orthodontists office is down and they are running late. I finally get back there, they have a bitch of a time getting an adjustment made knocking off two brackets in the process. When I get home Peter (who was baby sitting for me) was playing Candy Land with the little people - Super Girl won (Cabbage Patch wasn't really playing by the official rules, she kept taking her piece off the board and walking around the room, only to return to the board and slide her piece around babbling incoherently like a little alchoholic on a bender).

Thursday I went to my sisters house to help her do a bit of organizing. We did that and a lot of talking.

Friday D came over and we worked on her costume. I remade her petticoat, I think it's a much better item now. She brought her machine over so I could see if it worked, it did. Until I was at the very last thing - the waist band of the dress! Then I broke 4 needles. We went to Wal-Mart in the middle of all this - that always takes an hour or more. We spent $35 and headed back to my place. I got the waist band on with much effort. I'm not pleased with it though, I will do it again later, after I get the two machines fixed. She and I are going to start sewing and selling stuff.

One of the cutiest things I made was Monkey Sandwich. A sock monkey. My sister has always wanted (read: lusted for, coveted, been obsessed with) a sock monkey. I found the materials from a kit I purchased many many years ago. I had planned to surprise her with Monkey Sandwich but I couldn't get working on it when she wasn't here. So I just started making it for her when she got here. Part way though I slipped up and said it was for her (dumb me!) so I blew the surprise! Anyway she LOVES Monkey Sandwich. I think I'll make an albino monkey for a friend for her (white socks instead of the red heeled socks used to make the sock monkeys).

Anyway, enough of this, I need to get on to work!

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