Monday, November 25, 2002

Whew... been a busy day. Haven't had much time to post here... so sorry... so sorry... I know I have let down my adoring public (*self delusion in progress*). I only have a little bit of time so I'll tell about some funny things...

I was talking on the phone to a friend of mine - we were having a fairly serious conversation, I said "You need to come over soon." The reply "Oh I'm afraid to come to your place, what with all that wildlife around - I might get rabies." smart ass...

OK, my geek gaming activities kept me up very late on Saturday night/Sunday Morning, so I didn't get a lot of time to sleep before having to get up and go to work, when I got home I went to take a much needed nap. About 3:20 pm I wake up (hadn't been napping long..) and I look at the clock, notice it's still light outside and think "3:20? In the morning? Nooo... there is too much light outside.. Must be 8am or so, my clock must be wrong." So I pick up my watch and look at the time, it matches the bedside clock so now I think "hmmm.. I wonder how my watch got reset also." So I decide I need to look at the clock in the kitchen, because it's got to be sometime Monday morning. I walk out of the bedroom, into the livingroom then it occurs to me that it's 3:20 pm... it's still Sunday afternoon... doh! I figured I needed more sleep at that time and headed back to bed.

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