Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Ahhh Tuesday means it's time for Two For Tuesday

1. Have you ever had neighbours from Hell? Do you have neighbours from hell? How about the best neighbours you've ever had? Tell me about them! =)
OMG yes! I've lived in some of the crappiest places growing up. We've had the perpetually noisy neighbors, the ones with heathen kids who stopped up the comodes (which caused them to overflow in OUR apartment also!), the ones who would let their dogs crap infront of our door, the ones who argued so loud we could hear every word, the drug dealers... that was just growing up... When I moved in with my hubby we have only had a few neighbors from hell - the first ones we ever had infact! The night we moved in they were having a party... on a Sunday night... lucky us... they had a bunch of people in their apartment - right above us... and they were playing their music very loud well past 1 am... (it was Duran Duran...), then later they had two cocker spaniels that would bark in the middle of the night - they weren't home either... they would argue with each other in the bathroom - which was right above ours, and you could hear EVERY word when they did that... We complained about the dogs and they got evicted.

2. If you could have anyone for a neighbour who would it be and why?
Hmmmm... I think I'd want some very hot men to live next to me... very hot, very polite men who liked to do yard work in just shorts... and maybe do some weight lifting in the back yard or something.... ;o) ahhhhh just for my own little selfish purposes... I'd love to watch that.

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