Monday, November 18, 2002

*warning - some things in the following post are probably very un-PC. Oh well... it's my blog... if you offend eaisly, don't read this.*

Due to my having a horrible headache for most of the afternoon and evening, we went out for Chinese tonight. We went to this place pretty close to us, I didn't even know it was there. Hubby looked it up on the internet. So we get there, it's a place that has a 'Super buffet' - I generally steer clear of these places as you never know how long anything has been sitting out and how many people have breathed into the food. My head hurt so I didn't argue about the buffet I just got a plate and loaded it up (they had a lot of shrimp also... a big bonus). Chinese restaraunts are funny around here, all the waiters all have thick Asian accents - you know the sterotypical Chinese person accent - and all the bus boys and cooks are Mexican. I have yet to find an Oriental restaraunt around here that is different, one time we went to Beni Hana and sat at the hibachi - the cook was Mexican! Why is it that all the waiters/waitress' only speak 'Engrish'? I'm starting to wonder if this is just something they do so that they will get bigger tips by making the restaraunt seem more 'authentic'.

Anyway... the food was good and no dishes to wash. YAY!

I've been reading the magazine 'Discovery'. Damn they have some facinating articles in this issue. My favorite being a Neolitic village discovered at the bottom of a lake in Italy. The first ever. But that statement is a bit misleading.. it wasn't JUST discovered, it was discovered more than 10 years ago, it's been being excavated for the past 10 years. There have been some amazing discoveries so far, and only a small portion of it has been uncovered. It will probably take at least another decade to uncover just half of this. Some of the artifacts reveal that this village probably had a lot of trade going on there, lots of the artifacts they found are from other places, suggesting that these people had the capability of sea travel. One particularly interesting thing they found that leads credibility to this theory is a large canoe - 35 foot. They have been working on dating exactly when the village was established... and they think they can get it pinpointed to a very exact time - right now they estimate that it's within a decade or two of 5230 B.C. I really hope the person in charge of this particular site publishes some more papers on this... and in English... She hasn't published much so far, and mostly in Italian, but I hope that this get's more attention.

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