Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You wonda why they call U bitch*

Well there is an end in sight! Tomorrow Super Girl will head back to school. YAY!!! I’m sure this will probably take me out of the running on that damn Mother Of The Year Award (Damn that Kathy Lee for always winning that shit)… I mean it WOULD take me out of the running if I hadn’t already been booted from the competition so early this year with my actions toward Piss On Me Baby and her twin sister Incontinence Girl. ANYWAY, I’m desperately TIRED of entertaining my child all day. I mean she’s been relatively good these past three days – RELATIVELY… I mean there have been no fires, no animals tied to doors, no hair cuts and nothing has been broken (except my patience today), but MUTHERFUCK! I’ve had enough Muppets and Fraggles, I’ve had enough conversations that revolve around whether Coco The Wonder Dog is HAPPY to have a green bone to chew on or whether Sunshine The Magic Cat really knows trolls (and the answer is yes, she was around at least once when my brother-in-law was over). At least when her sister is here, she can have these intellectually stimulating conversations with HER and I can ignore them while I clean house. Yeah, yeah, I’m a bad mother, get over it – I’m out of booze and I have PMS so unless you are going to give me a bottle of booze or some fantastic sex, just keep your pie hole shut. Right now I’m taking comfort in knowing that TOMORROW she is BACK TO SCHOOL! Woot!

Fluffy Developments

I LOVE Baths!

Since Coco The Wonder Dog is once again vacationing here at Casa De Karmically Challenged, I thought it would be a good idea to give her a bath. Besides I still have most of a bottle of fru-fru dog wash left and the label ‘suggests’ that it shouldn’t be used on humans and so far I’ve resisted the urge to wash the offspring with it despite it’s delightful smell and promise of a shiny coat. Coco is probably the EAISIEST dog to wash in the world. Drop dog in tub of water, let her jump around and play in the water until wet. Add dog wash and later. Let dot jump around and play until rinsed. Done! Then comes the best part! I blow dry her, which to be honest she’s none to thrilled with and continuously gives me the “I am so offended that you are blowing hot air on THAT part of my body.” Not that I really care because she looks so damn cute and FLUFFY when it’s all over! (Enjoy photo)

Super Pouffy!

Surreal moment: Watching The Muppet Show on DVD and seeing Sandy Duncan doing a song and dance number that is set in a bar and hearing her song about drinking whiskey sours. Hmmmm… man, children’s entertainment sure was liberal back in the 70’s.


*The title has NOTHING to do with this post (as usually really), it’s just some lines from a Tupac song that La Seg got stuck in my head. Damn her!

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