Thursday, November 18, 2004

Tonight's Message Brought To You By The Letter P...

As in P for PANIC. I'm leaving in less than 24 hours to spend the weekend with my sweetie (XXX) and I have nearly nothing done. It's time to panic. I haven't packed any clothes (probably won't need much though). Panic. I haven't packed the lingerie I plan to wear but won't even manage to put on. Panic. I haven't packed up my sex toys (don't worry, they WILL be going, even if nothing else get's packed BOB and Friends will be on this trip). PANIC! I haven't shaved my legs and they are really really frightening. Panic. I haven't done my illustration for Illustration Friday (although I do have a concept for something cool). Panic. I haven't EVEN started on the writing project that is now my hands as it's MY turn. PANIC!

*sigh* I let this stuff get to me, I swear I do, then I feel all stress and do things I don't mean to, like eat my Sacred Elvis Samich. Damn.

Well I have many many things to do, so I better get started.

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