How To Be An Asshat
Men Are All The Same;
The ones who say they are different are either GAY or just useing it as a line to get pussy.
Last Saturday I had a date. This guy was very nice, very much a gentleman, opened the doors for me, kept his hands to himself and paid even. He was nice, he was funny, we had a nice evening. I was willing to go out with him again. I get home and am watching LOTR (read - sleeping on the couch while the DVD ran) and I get an IM from him, he wants to know if I had a good time, yes I did. THEN he wants to know if I felt any 'chemistry'. Now I KNEW even before the date that this guy was hot for me, he had already told me that he liked redheads with green eyes (who doesn't) and that he thought I was sexy (well yeah, 'cuz I am). 'Chemistry' for me is more than just physical looks, it's an overall presents of someone. Like for example, when I was in college I worked at a bank and there was this guy who delivered the mail - Raul - who I loved to look at. Oh damn, I sounded like a sick puppy talking about Raul. My friend Becky urged me to ask the man out before she and everyone else in the vault came up with a decent plan to silence me forever. So I did, we went to lunch the next day. He was hot, and nice and he paid for lunch. The moment he opened his beautiful mouth to have a conversation with me was the moment he became the least attractive man to be sitting across from. He was beautiful and dumb as a post. *sigh* I ate my lunch and tried to use small words and we NEVER went out again. I completely ignored him from that moment on, no amount of him trying to get my attention would work, he wasn't up to my standards. So being able to have an intelegent convesation is important. Listening is also part of it. I went out with a guy who was very intelegent, totally hot for me and also paid for dinner, unfortunately he spent most of the time telling how very intelegent he was and talking AT me. No, no, no. Not a good thing. He even when so far as to TELL me how to do MY JOB. Him who had NEVER, EVER been a photographer was telling ME how to do my job better. He didn't even get three dates he was so annoying. Infact after consulting with a few people it was decided he didn't even deserve a phone call to cancel the pending date, just an e-mail. (he subsequently called me a whore, then months later called me like nothing had happened to which I just replied "You CALLED me a whore." Asshat) Having things in common is another important factor as well as having a good sense of humor and yes looks come in also. Theres a lot that goes into it, I'm sure most women understand this. Chemistry is more than just feeling the urge to skip dinner and head for the back seat/motel/bed/etc. Been there, done that and it's been a lot of fun too, worked out well sometimes, been a mistake others. But he was talking about THAT kind of chemistry.
So he asks and I imediately feel irritated and like he's trying to trap me. Like the guy who takes a girl out for dinner and drinks then tells her that since he spent $XX for dinner she should give him some pussy or a blow job. I'm irritated but not so much that he's totally lost his chances of a second date so I tell him that I feel that is a loaded question and explain how. He gets a phone call and has to go. Okay, no biggie, I go back to watching LOTR (napping). The next day is Mother's Day, I go to faire and when I get back I do the usual - get the Little People cleaned up and off to bed then upload my photos. While I'm uploading, he messages. He's back to the same question. Now I'm getting pissed. I tell him, I like him, I had a nice time, I'd like to go out again. Then he rambles on and basically says how the relationship needs to get physical soon or he's going to move on. Move on mutha fucka, no one pressures me into sex. I don't say that, maybe I should have, I just say 'I understand.' and think, 'yeah good luck finding a 'relationship' you don't have to pay by the hour for with that attitude'. What an asshat. If he just wanted SEX he should have said so before we went out - he would have saved the money on the frappichino and dinner as I would have told him he was wasting his time. If I was intereseted in JUST SEX, I've got plenty of hot sexy men in that line that I can call. So in conclusion, I haven't talked to him again and don't plan to either. Dude, thanks for the Starbucks and dinner, the conversation was great, pitty you turned out to be an asshat. Although, I do respect him for having the balls to say what he wants instead of resorting to head games.
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