Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Et tu, Dairy?

Over the weekend it occurred to me that I’m probably lactose intolerant. After breakfast of yogurt and banana an hour later I was pushing my cart at work with a nauseous stomach, hoping that I had something in my purse to calm my stomach and debating whether I should go home and suffer alone. At that moment it occurred to me to wonder if my suffering was caused by the yogurt (and dairy in general) since this same type of thing happened the day before… and the day before… and just about every morning I start the day with yogurt or cereal and milk. A couple more hours of suffering (because nothing says BIG COMISSIONS like looking nausea and bloating) I was fairly certain that dairy had suddenly betrayed me and my gastrointestinal tract. Be damned! I love dairy! We’ve had so many good times together! And now… we must part ways. Eh, life goes on. BUT on the upside, I can now resume my coffee drinking since it’s not the coffee that’s been making me feel crappy. Bring on the Starbucks!

On To Other Things…

Thankfully work was not insane this weekend and I MADE IT BACK OUT TO FAIRE!!! I feared the rains that were predicted but never happened so I didn’t wear my super cool multi colored skirt. I made a most fabulous addition to my garb – PINK FEATHERS! I love them. Yes PINK. I have nothing PINK to wear with it, but who fucking cares – I look good in them! I even looked fabulous* after faire when I changed back into my camo capri’s! (you know you want some too!)


So yeah, now I need garb that will coordinate with PINK… or whatever, I’ll just wear them.

*’fabulous’ being a relative term here considering my memorable fashion choices have included fishnets, polka-dot rubber rain boots and tee shirts saying ‘DORK’ and ‘EASY’.

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