Monday, May 22, 2006

Now With More Dog Photos!

I know, you thought (or hoped) I forgot about the photos. Not a chance! And to make up for Friday and the weekend, here are three gems just for you!

Friday: Princess Coco

"Hellooooooo, Prince Charming? I'm ready to be rescued now! Bring dog treats!"

Saturdday: Babushka

While I worked, Coco went through old photos and found this one of her Babushka. I didn't even KNOW she was Russian!

Sunday: Fortune Telling Pooch

Sunday, she found this one of her Great Aunt who worked as a fortune teller... untill that one incident... then the whole village turned on her and ran her out of town. Come on, how was she supposed to know the Cubs would lose the series??

And have no fears, I'm so not finished with this dog - coming soon "Coco's Wild Days Revealed!"

Okay, back to sew - life is busy and it sucks. Work was really busy (30 babies on Saturday! Fuck!) and it sucks. I didn't make it to faire this past weekend and THAT sucks. There's a whole lot of sucking going on around here and none of it's the fun kind. It'll be better soon.

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