Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sleep Interrupted

Last night the fire alarms in the building started going off for no damn reason. At 1:45 am. And they kept going off until about 2:30 am. Luckily I was awake because it was really LOUD in all the bedrooms and probably would have made me either have a heart attack or wet my bed, neither of which would have been good.

When the alarms were quieted and the Little People sent back to bed, K went outside because he thought there was a fire truck here and he’s hot for fire fighters. After he came back inside I asked if in fact there WERE fire fighters outside and he said yes, so I had to go out – what? Fire fighters are HOT.

I walk to the end of the sidewalk and look at the fire truck with HOT men sitting on it and one of them starts walking towards me. I’m thinking “Shit! I look totally white trash and here he comes!” He starts asking me questions about if I know where the maintenance man lives because they shut down the alarm but he needs to come reset it, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the course of the conversation I ask him if he knows the fire fighter who delivered Cabbage Patch and he said yes, then I (like the dork I am) say “He delivered my little girl.” And he says “Yeah, I know, I was there. I thought you looked familiar.” I’m all “Oh shit! Yes you are! I remember you! You were the one who put the placenta in the Blockbuster bag. Yeah I look different with clothes on and all. Yadda, yadda, yadda…” Now before I continue any further, let me clarify things: 5 years ago I went into labor at home, it was unexpectedly QUICK and the baby was breach with feet presenting first, necessitating a call to 911 which brought the entire manpower of station 3 to my house and in my kitchen to witness one fire fighter deliver and revive my youngest child. Because I work at the hospital near by and I’ve been unlucky enough to have two wrecks locally in the past 5 years, I’ve run into various fire fighters who were standing around in my kitchen that night. Invariably I ALWAYS look schlumpy or otherwise crappy when this happens! I mean it’s hard to look much worse than a naked walrus giving birth on a living room floor, though bleeding from a cut above my eye after totaling my car was a close second. But I digress, I told him that her birthday is TODAY (Happy Birthday Cabbage Patch!) and he was all impressed. He told me that all those fire fighters who had been standing in my kitchen were still at the same station and yadda, yadda, yadda.

I finally got to bed and good lord the wee people were up at 8 am ready for a birthday party! But that’s another story. ;)

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