Monday, March 26, 2007

Watch It! I’m In A Mood!

Luckily it’s a GOOD one. So if you encounter me I’m liable to hug the breath out of you or tell you how cute you look in that shirt today (no really, you look amazing in that. I’ve always liked it. Every time I see you in it I have the urge to lick you. Hmmm? What? Where are you going? I haven’t finished making your cup of coffee. Oh fine, go if you must, you and your tasty shirt!) Yes despite having read the news this morning, having just dealt with 3 days of puking and now being 3 and a half days behind on my crap, I’m still in a GOOD mood. Not even knowing that I have laundry to fold and three more baskets of laundry to wash and dry can dampen my mood! In fact going into the newly cleaned laundry room makes me smile and want to dance with joy! Though I’ll just smile and refrain from the dancing – not much room in there, wouldn’t want to knock something over and make a new mess. Not even looking in the mirror and seeing that my hair looks like the ass end of a llama (a Peruvian long haired llama at that) can depress me (just made me think of knitting a sweater for some reason). I’m not going to let anything knock my mood either – I probably won’t even answer the phone today. I might even change my message to say “Hi, I can’t take your call today because I’m happy and I don’t want you to piss in my Wheaties. Leave a message and I probably won’t call you back.”

Wow, what a great day! I highly recommend that everyone start their day off with some kind of alcoholic beverage. (Oh don’t give me that look, you know I’m lactose intolerant, what else am I supposed to put on my Cheerios? They turn all cute and purple with a good merlot!) And now I’m off to make some coffee and cupcakes! Yes, yes, I am making cupcakes – I’ve had the urge to make cupcakes since Friday so this really crazy good mood has been just waiting to burst forth as we all know that cupcakes (the frosting that is) makes me just a wee bit hyper. I’ll be back later when the sugar buzz is well in place… unless of course I’ve decided to paint my bathroom cabinets… again (don’t ask) or maybe I’ll get on that whole lacquering the cats project. So I’m off! And honestly, you look fabulous today, no I’m not kidding, you do… in fact if you were here I’d probably make out with you while the cupcakes bake. Hmmm? What? Did I say that out loud?

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