Sunday, October 21, 2007


And that's only because I'm really really just phoning it in! I have nothing really exciting to talk about.

This TMNT cake has become super popular suddenly. Not sure why. I'm sure it has nothing to do with me burning my leg with a BAKED POTATO! No worries. Sour cream is not only tasty, but soothing. Kidding! Kidding!
I did this pumpkin cake this weekend. It's not my design, I would do it totally different and I told my supervisor that I would air brush it instead of use a TON of orange icing. She rocks, she said to make one for the display case. Luckily she'll never know that one of my main activities of this day was giving my youngest offspring weddgies. She thought it was funny.

One of my favorite special order cakes from this weekend. This little boy just loves flames and his mom was so thrilled that I'm enough of a freak to do this cake. This cake rocked. It's no wonder I have taken 6 naps today and read several comic books. (It's a joke! As if I could take more than 2 naps with the Tiny Terrorists here.)

Again these aren't my design, but I like mine better than the others. My ghosts have that cute little Casper spout on their heads - as all sheet ghosts should! How lame am I that all I have to talk about are sheet ghosts. What can I say, things are good. I'm happy, my foot is hurting a lot, I've been sewing lots and I've got tons of Sarge's comics to read. Yeah I know what you are thinking - THAT IS SO AWESOME! No really, it is.

That's all for now. Move along - leave a comment or something first.

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