Wednesday, December 25, 2002


Whoo-hoo! It's here. I got a great present yesterday, so I'm happy and don't need anything else at all. I can't tell what it was (no it wasn't SEX) except that it was the joy of someone's presence and the special time we had together. Children are so special.

Anyway.... I'm a total schmuck. I didn't get hubby anything.... I have to get my ass off the computer and paint a little box for my sister in law.... because we will see her around 4 pm. Yeah... nothing like waiting until the LAST minute.... *sigh* I suck... that's just all there is to it... (yeah, but that's why I'm popular... ;o) )

Well off to take a shower and clean a bit before people get here... oh yeah and to do last minute constructing of presents.

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