Friday, June 20, 2003

Frantic Friday

Got up early this morning so I could get an uninterupted shower before the little people woke. I expected them to be up by about 7:30 AM - that's about normal for them. They were still snoozing at 8 AM so I went back to bed for about half an hour. Then I dressed them and off we went to the post office. Today Super Girl insisted that she wanted to ride in the stroller, so I had to drag out the semi-stroller (double stroller) and got the joy of pushing 90 lbs of kid uphill to the post office. Luckily it's downhill to get home so it wasn't so bad, but hell I've had my work out for the day. When we got home I had just started cleaning when my home inspector showed up. *sigh* luckily she didn't seem to care much that the house was messy. I signed papers and she'll probably come out one more time next week and that's it. I was happy. I cleaned the house after she left - if she had just been 30 minutes later it would have been clean! oh well. She didn't care.

It's been a busy week. Court, sick kid, yesterday found out that Cabbage Patch's God Father had a massive heart attack (he's ok for now) and todays trip to the post office and house cleaning. Ah well, it's almost nap time (peace and quiet for me). So far a good day.

And how could I forget, Super Girl started dance classes this past Tuesday. It was so darn cute to see her in her dance clothes! She would NOT take them off when we got home hehehe... It's pre-ballet/tap class. I got a damn good deal on some used tap shoes when we registered also.

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