Friday, June 20, 2003

Why Are All The Hot Guys GAY???

So I'm perusing other people's blogs - something I do very rarely. I just clicked on a link on a blog I do read. The link was for a guys blog, he is HOT HOT HOT and GAY GAY GAY. WTF? It seems that all the guy bloggers who are hot and interesting to read are also GAY. Is it just me? Do I just have the taste of a gay man? (hmmm... that might explain why I ended up married to a gay man now wouldn't it...)

And speaking of GAY - the little people are watching Sponge Bob - the episode where he and Patrick find a little sea clam and decide to raise it. Patrick is the DAD, and SB the poor overworked, under appreciated MOM. hehehehehe... kills me... it's not the GAY-est of the SB's but it's up there (hubby and I debate this topic) - the one where they wrestle in spedos is THE GAY-est of the GAY episodes.

Speaking of Gay... hubby and I were talking about the upcoming vote on the Texas Sodomy law. I belive it's supposed to happen on Monday. Texas is one of only 4 states that have sodomy laws that apply to homosexuals only (I think it's only 14 states total that have sodomy laws on the books currently). Go to to check it out, you will be baffled by the way some of these laws read. In some states it's a felony and in other's it's a misdemeanor. Makes no sense....

More on stupid legal things in Texas later....

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