Saturday, July 05, 2003

Oh How I Hate To Be Wrong...

So last night after the festivities of the 4th, my husband and his brother and his brothers two friends come in and inform me that I am wrong about some things that hubby and I had debated about - apparently they were discussing these issues outside. One - that Argone in LOTR is also called Strider, I said no, they said yes - well they were right. Hubby put the movie in when we got home. Sure enough there is ONE and only ONE place where he is reffered to as Strider. Those dumb asses were making it out like he was called Strider many times in the movie - which he wasn't (and if I'm wrong about this, please inform me so that I can have yet another piece of humble pie). Secondly - hubby's brother backed him up on the Doritos debate (he thinks the plain corn chips are the original Doritos flavor - not true - it was the Taco flavor aka nacho cheese flavor now) I found a number to Frito Lay to call and ask questions about Doritos so that's my big plan for Monday.

Men... sheesh...

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