Tuesday, May 11, 2004

(blatantly stolen from L

1. What is your favorite Beatles song, and why?
"Hey Jude", because I always imagined it was about me since my name is Judy.

2. Name the most recent movie you saw ? reluctantly ? and found yourself surprised to enjoy it.
Butterfly Effect. I'm no fan of Ashton but I must concede it was a good movie and I did enjoy it despite it creeping me out a bit.

3. What is the first television show you remember being genuinely hooked on from childhood?
I always loved cartoons. I lived for Saturday when I could watch cartoons all morning. I even woke up EARLY to watch cartoons from the VERY first cartoon that came on until Soul Train came on. The only one that I ever got hooked on was Scooby Doo. I loved Scooby. I had to see Scooby every day after school. I even got into a war with my sister over Scooby watching time.

4. What common perception about you ain?t necessarily so?
That I'm a hopeless slut. I'm very faithful to those I become involved with.

5. The artist formerly known as You has record deals being offered right and left, but you have to change your name to avoid confusion with an artist from the past. What is your new performing name (group, individual, music, dance, whatever)?
My band would be "My Name Is Judy" and that would be our solid gold single and also the name of our break out album.

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