Monday, June 14, 2004

Little Changes

I made a few changes to the template, mostly just some pictures on the side and changes to the Cool Reading list - I deleted the blogs who have become boring and added some new ones. I made the photos smaller on the side - I figured people would appreciate that - I have enough pictures of me on the side to prove to people how incredibly VAIN I truly am, no need to force ya'll to look at them quite so large. I also added a few others, most importantly AASM at the top - he's far to cool to have his picture off in archives and some art work of mine (because I'm proud of it).

Weekend was boring. Makes me yawn just thinking about it. I worked. I came home. I went to work. I came home. Woohoo.

This made me giggle, Super Girl loves AASM, her and Cabbage Patch have been playing with him all morning, wrapping him up like a baby. HAHAHAHA! I'd hate to have that handed to me after giving birth!

Oh Pete - You will get an AASM. I have a very demented idea for a special one for you. (Hope your wife doesn't want to shoot me after you get it.) I'll let you know when to start watching the mail for him. I wish I had the EVIL Teddy Ruxpin to sit next to my Freddy Kruger doll.

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